Chapter 11: Two Things at Two Different Places

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It was the next day, I headed over with Eunji to the place where she was yesterday, and we waited for Ginny and her crew to arrive. It took them 12 minutes to get to the place. They exited out of the car making their way over to Eunji and Luna. 

Ginny: Wait a minute I know who you are! You're the girl who stared at us before getting in your car, when we all got suspended. 

Luna: Ding ding you got that right. Now, I came here for the real business, I am the one going to be fighting your sister. 

Ginny: You? 

Luna: What, you dont think I can defeat your sister? 

Ginny: Yeah, cause whenever I ask her to fight someone, she breaks out of jail for it. 

Luna: Than ill send her back to jail, where she belongs. 

Ginny: You can try, but, you will loose. 

She said smirking at me, I chuckled at her, since she doesn't know what I am capable of doing. Ginny whistles, her friends aka crew walks over to the truck that they drove in, opening it up to reveal her sister. She was super buff, and tall. 

Ginny: Eunji and whoever you are, meet my sister Jasmine. 

Eunji: The Jasmine, like the one who killed her teacher, because she failed her? 

Ginny: Yes, that one. 

Now Eunji looked really worried for Luna, she pulled her aside for a second, to talk her out of this. 

Eunji: I dont think you should do this, we should just go home. 

Luna: No Eunji, I can take her. 

Eunji: But, look at her, she is stronger, and taller than us! I dont think we should go against her. 

Luna: Eunji, we fought tons of people, and we even dealt with people just like Jasmine. Ill be fine. 

Eunji: I know, but, we arent in our suits for this fight, we are in like crop top and shorts, with gloves. 

Luna: Ill be okay. 

She said as she places her hand on her shoulder, giving her the okay look, Eunji nodded her head, and they went back to where Ginny and Jasmine were. 

Ginny: Finally you finish talking. 

Eunji: Lets make this quick. 

Ginny: Okay. You will be fighting Jasmine at abandon arena, where all the people want to see my sister fight some chick to the death. And another thing it will be live streamed, on everything. 

She said with an evil smirk on her face, which got Eunji and Luna worried since they didnt tell Each Dawn about this. 

Luna: Wonderful. I cant wait. 

Jasmine: For this fight, we wont be wearing an gloves, they want to see bloodily fists. 

Luna: The only thing that will be bloodily is your face. 

I said as I stepped forward in front of her, staring her down, she looked at me, like she was ready to kill me, and I was waiting for an attack to happen now, but, nothing. 

Ginny: It starts at 11 pm so be ready to lose. 

She said as she walks away, heading into the truck, where her sister goes to the back, they drive away leaving Eunji and I there. 

Eunji: I guess you better get training. 

Luna: Nope. I did my training last night. I got everything under control, but, lets get ready for the fight though. 

Eunji: Are you sure?

Luna: Yeah. 

For the rest day they started getting everything ready for the fight, it was eventually it was time to fight Jasmine, now Luna was getting nervous. 

Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, the fight we all being waiting for!! 

People cheering, as they were excited, well Eunji was worried about Luna. 

Announcer: We have the noob here Luna, everyone  be ready cause she is going to need an ambulance. And we have the all time best Jasmine!!!!!!

He said as he points to Jasmine who growled like an animal, which made Luna about scared and nervous. She looks at Eunji who was even more worried, so she tried to hide the fact she was scared, so Eunji wouldnt be more worried, and stopped the whole thing. 

Annocuer: Let the games begin!!!

He said as he hits the bell which made Jasmine start fighting Luna, who blocked the hit a couple of times, and got in some hits to Jasmine. Which made her very angry, she backs up a bit, and starts stumble in fear. And of course this was live streaming which means everywhere around the world people are watching the fight. What they didn't know was the right also made it onto the news, and that got Niko and Violet's attention, since they know Each Dawn has seen it.

Violet: What are we going to do!?

Niko: Just stay calm I am sure they haven't seen ye-

Once they said that Addy's door swings open, to show them back from their date together, they were for sure angry at us, since we kept this from them. They rushed to the tv, to see that Luna was about to get killed!

Rose: What is wrong with you both, letting this happened!

Addy: You never do this!

Well they were arguing Damien steps back, and Azie noticed this chasing after him, and gettin into his car.

Damien: What are you doing?

Azie: You aren't going their alone, they are going to need all the help they can get.

She said as she buckles in, he shrugs it off, and they start making their way over there.

Back to Luna and Eunji:

Announcer: It looks like Eunji's fighter can't take it anymore.

He said as everyone started cheering on for Luna. Eunji wanted to go in there, but, she was blocked from Ginny's boyfriend and his friends. She had to watch her friend get hurt badly, and she couldn't do anything about it. Luna fell to the ground very hurt from Jasmine, Ginny yelled from the crowd.

Ginny: Finish her!! Kill her!!

Jasmine smiled evily well Eunji screamed no! As she was about to finish her, all of sudden Jasmine gets punched across the face by someone.

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