10- Smile

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"This" is normal speaking
"This" is kusuo using telepathy to speak
"This" are thoughts
<This> it's me, the author speaking

As a child you always spent your time trying to make people around you happy. That had always been a fact ever since you had a sense of judgement. Many would tell you it was a waste of time trying to make everyone happy, because you were just exhausting yourself and making everyone but you happy. But you never really cared about that, after all if you can make someone's day at least a little bit better then you feel accomplished.

But everything changed once you got into junior high. As usual you began making people around you happy, everyone around you knew who you were. Because you had talked to everyone whom you had ever seen down at least once. But in your class there was one guy whom never seemed happy. A pink haired boy with glasses and hair pins. He always seemed to wear an unhappy expression. At first you had tried many times to make him happy, but eventually you saw that he was trying to push you and everyone else away. So, you began to think, should I just not try?

You began to wonder if he would be happy with just being alone. With that in mind you had decided to give him his space, and it had actually seemed to work. Because from time to time you would smile at him from afar something you did with everyone and he would wave back. Which was a way better response than when you had approached him directly. You began to think, that maybe you could stop trying to make everyone happy and become happy yourself. Afterall not everyone liked you, you had some people that made fun of you because of your body type. Due to this you always believed that if you made others happy it would make you happy in the long run, but it didn't seem to work that well. Yeah you felt accomplished of helping others but that was it. Not really making you happy.

Ever since you began closing your circle, yeah you still talked to some of the people you had helped but you only had one or two really close friends. From then on you seemed to find actual happiness.

Then you had entered PK High. By this time you already had learned from past experiences, and only became friends with a small group. One or two people maximum, though you knew who your classmates were by face at least, never really knew all of their names and such you decided to not bother with that. The first couple of days you didn't really noticed, but the same guy of pink locks was in your class. Even though you didn't notice he had. At first he thought you might try an talk to him like back in junior high, which even though he would never admit, he never really disliked the thought of it. But you hadn't. You actually seemed far more average than you were before, yeah back in junior high you never really stood out, but because of the fact that you tried so hard on making others happy he never really thought of you as average.

But now you were incredibly average. Not that  this fact, that was a bad thing in his eyes. You didn't notice but for those days you didn't notice him, he had begun to take a liking to you, at first it was because of how average you were, looking at you was like a breath of fresh air for him. That was until you finally noticed he was in your class. From then on the same routine of junior high repeated for some weeks, you would nod or wave in his direction sometimes and he would respond with a nod of his own. At first your friends teased you about having a crush on him, but you had denied saying, "it's not like that I swear, we had the same classes in junior high but we never really talked" a very average response on his opinion, a response that had shut your friends teasing completely. He didn't understand why at the time but he didn't really enjoy the answer that you didn't really like him. At first he never really understood what was the problem until he had realized his feelings when you had begun dating someone. He then understood he liked you.

Surprisingly he took the first move, once you had stopped dating that other person, you two hadn't really lasted long since whom you began dating wasn't really interested in you more in getting into your pants. Which when you found out you gave them a good slap on the face then broke up with them. His 'first move' as you would call it. Was a smile, a simple warm smile. That day was horrible because it was when you broke up with your partner and you really weren't having a good mood. But when you entered to class you saw the purple eyes hidden behind the green glasses and pinks lock staring at you, as you walked in. Trying to not be suspicious you nodded at him, but you never expected what came next. A smile, he slightly smiled and gave a small wave to you, the action only lasted a second but for you it was as if time had frozen. That simple action made your whole day better as you smiled and waved back entirely missing the pink on his ears as he turned to look at the window.

That day Kusuo learned that a simple smile can completely change everything.

[Chapter End]

<Sorry is short, I've been getting back into MHA fandom and I think I might begin a story on it, I have a lot of different fandom fanfictions in my draft but I'm unsure of publishing any of them but I might do it, also thank you all for the 100 views I never expected that <3 anyway if I don't publish in a bit is because I'm working on actual stories with no romance, because it might not seem like it but I don't really enjoy romance though I know how to write it, that's all enjoy reading!>

<Edited some spelling errors, once again did the same just now, also the MHA fanfiction I was talking about it's almost done yay>

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