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I am proud to announce that I have published Change as an ebook and (working on) a print book... And I hope that the people that have already read it (or those of you who want to read more), will support my jump into self publishing and get a copy.
It's available on Smashwords and most other ebook distributors. The paperback will be published soon. (I had a few mailing issues so didn't get the proof copy yet 🥺☹️ But I will let you know when I it's available too)
To help you find me, look for Author Gabrielle Monego
❤️thank you❤️

Other than Change, I have a few other books out there if you would like to read more of my work and I will be publishing more works this year which haven't been on Wattpad, such as Accidental Assassin (started posting it in Wattpad now)

Thank you,


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