Chapter 2

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This story wasn't planned, the challenge started it, that was chapter 1 and somehow I needed to know more. I couldn't let her me I tried! I already have a werewolf story from another angle (check it out if you have a spare minute or two :)
Anyway I needed to know more and continued writing on this .... So it continues... with a twist. Let me know what you think, comment, vote, the usual, I greatly appreciate any input.

My first change had been spectacular. The Beta and the warrior had brought me back towards the pack after I had let my wolf play a game with them. She had to bitten the warrior and as she took us away we'd heard the Beta change. It didn't take long to have both wolves on our tail and my human self was worried about getting caught. My wolf side had been insane with happiness and much to my surprise our feeling were dominated by her, my worry bled away quickly. We managed to stay ahead of them when the Beta suddenly disappeared. We were smaller and actually, surprisingly, faster. The warrior came in on my left and I moved into the undergrowth to the right.

We were headed to the creek and he had led us closer to where the pack was waiting for us so I didn't mind. Until I submitted to the Alpha I was unable to link to the pack. That was the reason that I never knew that they had set me up. The Beta shot out of the bush ahead on nailed me to the forest floor with his teeth gently at my neck. My wolf didn't mind and as a human I recognized the playful glint in his eyes. The warrior trotted up to us and nipped my leg like I'd done to him. I remained motionless but that also meant I wasn't submitting. My wolf refused to submit no matter how much I explained.

The warrior chuffed. I think he was laughing. The Beta clamped down a tiny bit firmer. We growled but refused to move. Again the other wolf laughed. He used the link because the Beta nodded with my throat in his mouth and the other guy trotted away. The Beta flopped down with one leg on my chest and my neck in his mouth. He made his intentions clear, he would wait for me to submit no matter how long it took. My wolf smiled, she liked him.

I didn't know much about our leaders. He was probably seven years older than me. He was the nephew of the current Alpha and he was cute in human form. My wolf said he looked better as a wolf and shifted to make herself comfy. He tightened his grip on my throat and moved but when he realized that we were just changing position a bit he dropped back, half covering us with an annoyed growl.

There was a rustle in the forest, footsteps coming this way, but he didn't move so I didn't think I needed to.
"Matthew." I heard the voice of our alpha and shifted my eyes in his direction. "Mitch told me you have a small issue on your hands?" He was now standing above us. To me he was upside down. My wolf chuffed at his words. 'Small problem my tail.'

"Let her up Matt." The Alpha said. Matt tightened his jaws and growled at the Alpha. My wolf struck quick as lightning turning her head, snapping our jaw at him and turning our body in protest. He let us go with a growl and sat beside the Alpha.

"Ariel, is it?" He asked looking down at us. We nodded confirmation.

"Do you understand the reason to submit?" My wolf chuffed, it sounded like a derogatory cough, then we nodded yes as we dropped down on our belly and whimpered. Eyes on the ground we slunk over to the Alpha's feet and turned on our back in full submission. He laughed said something in a strange language and bend down to his knees.

"You are a beautiful wolf. As your human side is a beautiful young woman. Your father was worried it was you when Mitch came to say that the Beta had a problem with a pup."
I rolled our eyes and saw that the Beta had seen this, he sported a large Wolfy grin. Idiot rolled his eyes back in silent communication.

"You are assigned two watchers because you can't be taken to the pack unless we know you aren't a threat to the weaker members." I slowly turned and raised myself, then I turned so that I was almost beside the Alpha, he looked on with amusement and curiosity as I wrote once again with my paw. 'We are one.' Then I continued and painfully slowly wrote. 'You are Alpha.'

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