Chapter 11

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"Betas attend." Arseniy snapped as I neared.
The, almost white haired, son of my opponent walked up with two men. One older, very sad looking man and a younger buff guy that looked like he could eat at least two whole cows for breakfast. He even towered over Arseniy, I would have believed him a giant instead of a wolf but my wolf laughed happily in my mind. 'He'd be my first target. The bigger they are and all that! Don't forget...'
I smirked at them as I felt Callen and Andrew close in beside me. My brother putting a hand on my shoulder in silent support.

"This doesn't end until only one breaths. Anyone that dares intrude on the battle will be terminated regardless of rank or reason." His voice was cold and dripping power. I serenely let it wash over me and my wolf accessed our power in ways I never knew we could. Neither Callen or Andrew flinched at the display of raw power from the Midnight Alpha, our power protected them and it was clear the other men had no such protection from their Alpha as they submitted to the Midnight wolf. 'A dishonorable Alpha and a disgraceful Elder!' My wolf snarled in my mind and the guys hummed their agreement in our link. Arseniy watched in distaste as the other men were affected by his power, I was curious to know what he thought of the other Elder. Maybe I would ask if I ever got a chance.

"The winner will be cared for and protected by their own until such time they are capable of their duties as Alpha. The other Betas will submit to the winner without conflict and protect the winner with their life until the winner can decide what fate they are to have."
He was talking to all the Betas but only looked at the men that came with the other guy, his son especially since that one had offered himself as my proxy.
"The rules_" He started but was interrupted by my opponent that glared at me.
"The rules are that the winner lives. There will be no surrender."
I grinned and boldly stated. "Sounds like a plan." Loud enough for everyone to hear.

Rudely looking at Arseniy instead of my opponent I asked. "I only request to finish changing clothes without being attacked." As one all the men moved. Arseniy moved into the space between me and my opponent and stepped so that he was pushing the other man back away from me. The Betas, mine and the other three all formed a protective half circle behind Arseniy, proving to everyone present that they were not supportive of their Alpha, proving that they had a death wish too, if he won.

Matt tossed me a bundle of fabric. My own stuff. I hesitated knowing everyone was watching me but then decided that modesty was irrelevant. I untangled the fabric and saw only one of my sports bras and a tight T shirt with a pair of blue boy shorts. It was practical and I grinned at Matt, we had practiced shifting with clothes when my training started and I always complained that less was better and guys had it easy because they could walk around in just shorts. Thankfully I was already wearing similar black boy shorts because I wouldn't have been comfortable fighting in a thong. I undid my shirt and looked at my brother's back as I took off the sexy lacy bra so that I could quickly slip on the more comfortable sports bra and the tight long sleeve shirt we usually trained in. Then I slipped off my shoes and skirt and decided that less clothes was always better when shifting without undressing.

My wolf simply kept supplying memories of other fights, training, rouges I fought on patrols, scruffing with my brothers and cousins. This wasn't the first time I was fighting in barely anything, it didn't matter. I took a deep breath, glanced at the man that had been my Alpha just minutes before and smiled serenely. A smile to Richard, a wink at Matt and a nod at the other guys that had been my pack. I placed my hands on both Callen and Andrew, they turned. 'Callen, Andrew? Are you guys ready to make history?' I asked confidently in our new link. Andrew turned and grabbed my in a tight hug. 'Make it quick sis, gimme something to brag about next time we are on holidays!'
'I order you to stay out of the fight until I'm finished!' My wolf said with power in our link. He let me go, stepped back and bowed his head in submission. I took my grandfathers necklace off, we both looked at it before I handed it to him. Drew wrapped the cord around his hand and palmed the little carved wolf. "I'll hold it till you're done."

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