Chapter 12

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Here is the next chapter of her fight... dont stress at the end of this chapter, the end of the fight will be up tomorrow!
(Queensland, Australia time :)

Have a great day and remember you'll make my day when you vote and/or comment

An alpha always healed faster and was notoriously harder to kill than an average werewolf. In their wolf form that healing sped up even more. The threat they posed was multiplied. And here I was... a small female human body facing off against a large Alpha male wolf. My smile broke free as my fast beating heart rushed adrenaline through my veins. This was my fight.

My mother always accused my brothers and cousins of turning me into an adrenaline junky. Her and my aunts had decided I'd had no chance to be a normal girly girl surrounded by all those boys all the time. In a way they were right, my brothers and cousins introduced me to motorcycles, dirt bike races, rafting, shooting and bungee jumping. Bungee jumping had actually almost killed us all... but only when our mothers found out we'd done it. But it only proved that I loved going fast and doing things that were dangerous. I absolutely, unconditionally loved every second. It was something that had helped my training. My grandfather had also stimulated that competitive side with my family, especially with Andrew, when he taught us the old ways.

Now I was in a clearing looking at a wolf that was hellbent on killing me while I remained in my human shape and I was actually enjoying myself. As he collected himself from the surprise blow to his sensitive nose I giggled like a kid on a sugar high. And I heard a corresponding chuckle as Andrew recognized my happiness for what it was. An adrenaline rush.

The big white wolf before me was a tightly coiled mass of muscle set to attack and I giggled again. He was confused and I decided to use the opportunity to attack. I ran at him and kneed him in the face with my hands pushing his head back down to my legs as he rose to meet my assault. Then, in a beautiful follow up I used his head to push off and jump over him. It was unconventional to say the least but I didn't care.

Training had taught me to use whatever moves I could because almost every male wolf was, per definition, bigger than I was. The scouts also did their version of warrior training, they learned different techniques because they were built for a different purpose, leaner, faster and more cunning but they had to learn to fight in case of capture. I had spend a lot of time with their trainers.

He turned faster than I expected and swiped a claw at my legs. I felt the sting of contact but could only jump back as he used one paw, then the next, not letting up on the attack on my legs. He had found out the shirt protected my vital organs but if I couldn't stand I couldn't fight either. I jumped his seventh swipe and did a roundhouse to his face. It whipped to the side and I managed to get out of range. A quick glance at my legs showed that my healing was going faster than ever. It knitted closed as I looked but I didn't look long. He growled.
'He needs to bleed from this form before we change!' My wolf snarled and my hands shifted to lethal weapons with claws longer than my wolf form. Perks of being an Alpha.

We both attacked this time. We met in the air. Wolf and woman. Big and heavy against small and delicate. I was more flexible in this shape but he had more weapons in his shape.
Teeth ripped at my hip as I passed him while my one claw raked his face.
His back legs tore up on my waist, he was trying to get past the material of the special shirt. He managed partly but my other hand had gone under him and cut his flank while also blocking his back legs from doing more damage.

We separated and assessed our opponent. My right hip was sporting a gaping hole, my left arm had skin hanging off it in ribbons and my waist now had scratches running from my left leg up to my belly button. His face was ripped from the tip of his nose and I had even managed to damage his right eye. His right side had skin hanging from four deep gashes and I'd effectively torn through muscles as well. Not bad I thought. Damaging a wolf in human shape was actually a lot harder than that had been, but growing up with only brothers and cousins on holidays I'd learned quite young that keeping yourself protected in a fight wasn't the most important thing. You had to take calculated risks, accept some pain to cause more to the other guy.

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