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Chapter two.



"Drop that attitude, right now." Zander says but I roll my eyes.

The doctor is shaking her head at me, making me want to punch her. "Fucking bitch. Her face is so punchable." I mutter.

"What." Zander raises a brow, he knew what I said. He just wants me to say it louder. I smirk, "Fucking bitch. Her face is so punchable." I repeat, louder this time. She loudly huffs and stomps off, her heels clicking against the floor. I laugh and that makes her walk faster.

"Why are you so mad at her?" The other male walking out the building questions, as me and Zander follow. "She called me stupid and said I was going to get know where in life." I answer honestly, and Zander doesn't look as upset anymore. He seems more annoyed at the woman.

We get to a black BMW. Zander opens the back door for me, I get in and just as I'm about to buckle my own seat belt he does it for me. Making me flinch slightly as I was quite shocked.

Why? I frown.

He closed the door after giving me a small smile which I returned and he got in the drivers seat. The other man got into the passenger side at the front.

"I'm Sebastian Earns by the way." The unknown man spoke. "Oh, okay." I mumble.

The two older men at the front chuckle.

"Right, where we off?" Zander asks, I tell him my address and we're soon on our way.

Half way there, my phone stars ringing. I look at who it is and see,


I smile and answer, "Hello?"

"Hey!!" I hear Carlos, "Hey, Vinnie." Jakes voice comes through.

"So what did you get?" Jake asks excitedly, "Jesus, calm down, will you?" I laugh out, "I can't! Just tell us."

Carlos laughs through the phone. "Yeah, come on, what did you get?"

"I got little."

I visibly hear Carlos laugh out loud and Jake choke on something, I'm assuming Fanta, he loves that stuff.

"Holy fuck! What? As if," Carlos says through laughs, "Yep. Not even joking." I huff, "and we were joking about if you were gonna be a little or sub, or something."

"You jinxed it." I whined, "I did not!" Carlos said, his laughter coming to a halt.

Jake was silent.

"Jake? Are you okay?" I say, a bit worried. "Oh, he's fine. Just silently dying of laughter. We have a little baby for our friend." Carlos teases.

"Tease me again and I will rip your fucking face off." I snap, he laughs and it's like I can see him rolling his eyes.

"Oh and I'm moving to New York." I inform them. I then hear both their voices.

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