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Chapter seventeen.

This car ride is long.. "Are we there yet?" Me and Link whine at the same time. We both look at each other and shout, "Jinx!" In sync, then I say "Jinx, touch wood!" I touch a wooden fork that's in my reach and Link huffs.

"That's not fair! There's no wood in my distance!" He argues, "Hey, you can't talk until I say your name 3 times. So zip." I say sassily and Link glares at me but stops talking.

It's been a few minutes and I'm bored. "Link. Link. Link." I say three times. "I'm bored." I whine and Link nods. "Same. Daddy! I'm bored!" Link complains to Jacob.

I roll my eyes at his words. I won't ever call Zander 'daddy'. I don't mind Link called Jacob 'daddy' but I won't. Ever.

Jacob says something but I'm too occupied with my thoughts to care. Suddenly, I realise what the fuck is going on. I have little space things in a damn bag, we are going somewhere in a car.

"Are we going somewhere designed for littles?" I ask coldly and Sebastian turns to look at me. "You got a smart one." He smirks, "Shut up. It's not that difficult to figure out." I snarl and Zander gives us both a small look.

"Yes, we are." Zander responds sweetly. I stay quiet, I don't want to go. I don't want to be little, even though it's felt nice the other times I've been little, I'm not one. It was a wrong classification situation, but that bitchy nurse woman thing refused to check again.

I get dragged out my thoughts at the sound and vibration of my phone ringing. I answer it and see it's my two favourite people. Carlos and Jake.

"Hi, baby!!!" Carlos teases and I glare at him as it's face time. "Don't do that." I grumble and he laughs a little.

"Oh, Vin! Guess what?" Jake says, a Fanta in his hand as he snatches the phone from Carlos' hand. "Hey!!" I hear Carlos shout in the background.

"I get my classification on Tuesday!" He excitedly says, "I know! Make sure you tell me the results." I respond, a small smile on my face.

"You'll be the first to know." He squeals and I can hear Carlos complain in the background, "Hey! You're not going to tell me first?"

"You're not hours away from me." Jake argues and I chuckle a little. "Well, we all knew I was the favourite the whole time." I tease and Jake laughs, whilst Carlos starts whining and complaining. "I'm joking, I'm joking." I say with a fond tone.

Me, Carlos and Jake talk for a long time over the phone and I feel a warmth in my body. I feel a sense of peace and I feel like I'm home. They make me so happy and make me forget about anything bad.
I can't wait until they come visit for the holidays. I miss them so much and I just want to mess about with them and watch movies, or make dens and do stupid things. Do things that others would judge us for doing, but none of us would care because at least we are looking stupid together and not by ourselves. I love them, and they are my bestest friends. Even if we ever argue, we always sort it and go back to our usual selves.

We all soon have to go and we say bye and hang up. I put my phone away, and as I do the car comes to a halt.

"We're here!" Jacob announces and I undo my seatbelt, Link undoes his seatbelt and rushes out the van. I've never seen someone move so fast in my life.

I hear a small laugh come from Jacob as he wraps his arms around Link and holds him close. Jacob grabs Link's bags and carries the small boy. I grab my bag and leave the van, I see Zander holding the van door open for me, Sebastian waiting beside him. I get out the vehicle and Zander tells me not to go too far and tells me to remember to listen.

I only nod in response and pretend to care. I probably won't even enjoy the damn place, and even if I do and say I slip into little space. I probably won't listen anyways, just for the thrill of it. Plus, I'm not even going to slip into little space.

Sebastian closes the van door and checks we have everything and soon we enter a large place called 'Little Fun Land.' How original.

We enter the large bit of land and we get given a pamphlet of the place.

I look at the piece of paper. It has a mall on one side, which is in the shape of a dome and made of glass. It looks very pretty. There's a lake with a bridge over it and lights. There's also a zoo, full of animals!! There's a fun area with a fun house and fair games, like hook a duck. To add on to that, there's an area dedicated to rides and mazes and stuff like that. There's also a quiet area on the far side of the place.

I take back what I said earlier...I might end up slipping into my own little world.



  Hellooo! This is chapter 17!! I'm sorry if this one is short, but the next one will hopefully be a bit longer. I'm excited for the next one, it's going to be fun!!

I forgot to do a Christmas Special, which is disappointing. But there's always a next year!! Which is a long way away.

I hope you all had an amazing Christmas!! I love you all so much, stay safe and take care! Don't forget, you're worthy and I'm so proud of you, my lovelies!!


Wc: 986.

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