722 22 1

Trigger warning: Violence


We stepped outside of the school doors, and his demeanor instantly changed. He wrapped his hand around my elbow, squeezing it hard with his long fingers. When we made it to his cop car, he opened the back seat and shoved me in, throwing me into the seat, before slamming the back door. I closed my eyes, trying to calm myself, but my hands couldn't stop shaking. I wasn't sure what was to come. My fate was in his hands, and I didn't like the odds.

I listened to the drivers door open and slam shut before finally lifting my eyes.

"Where the hell did you go last night?" he demanded. I stayed silent, afraid that any answer would make him lose it. He turned in his seat, looking back toward me. "If you told anyone shit, you're a dead girl," and with that he turned back around and took off out of the parking lot. My heart was racing, my legs bounced uncontrollably. I couldn't lie when I tell you, I was absolutely petrified. 

He quickly pulled into the driveway and slammed on the breaks, sending my head flying forward and hitting the cage barrier in front of me. I reached my hand up to my forehead, rubbing the pain... Asshole. I let out a shaky sigh, mentally preparing for what was to come. But what came next confused me, he stepped out of the car and slammed the door behind him, before stepping away from the car and walking inside the house without me. I furrowed my eyebrows and reached my hand to the side of the door, but quickly remembered that there was no door handles in the backseat. Shit.

The inside of the car quickly became hot, eventually forcing me to take off my hoodie. I struggled to lift my arms, but was soon able to pull it over my head, beads of sweat beginning to form on my face. I looked down to my stomach, being met with black and blue bruises. It wasn't long before my whole body started sweating, more than I've done in a while, and I wasn't even moving around, only sitting there. I reached for my backpack, hoping I had left a water bottle in there somewhere, but there was nothing to be found. I laid my head back on the seat, letting out a deep sigh. I had no idea how long he was going to leave me in here, and my mind began to wonder if he was ever coming back.

It had been about an hour, I'd assume, and the world around me began to spin, making me dizzy. I felt sick to my stomach and was slowly becoming more and more drowsy. The heat was intolerable at this point, and I had to fight my eyes to keep them open, to stay awake. It wasn't until I finally let them close that I felt the door open beside me.

I quickly felt a hand grab my upper arm and throw me outside the car and to the ground. My breaths were heavy as I tried to let my body absorb the cool air, but I couldn't lay there long as I was quickly pulled to my feet. I doubled over, feeling too weak to hold myself up, but was quickly startled by a hard slap to the face. It through me to my right, my body running into the car beside me, that I now leaned on. Before I could fully lift my head, his hand grabbed my wrist, pulling me toward the house. I stumbled behind him, trying to stay on my feet. When he opened the front door, he pushed me in front of him, but this time, I stayed standing. 

He closed the door behind him and I finally pulled my eyes up. He reached to the counter beside him, pulling out a plain white t-shirt and tossing it to me. "Put it on and sit at the table," he said bluntly. I nodded my head and pulled the shirt over my head, then quickly sat at the kitchen table. I watched as he walked to the fridge, grabbing something from the top before coming back to the table. I looked to his hands as he approached me, finally noticing that he was carrying a pistol. He racked the gun, and placed it on the opposite side of the table from me, causing me to gulp.

"You know the rules, Y/n," he stated, with an uncomfortably calm tone. "You open your fat fucking mouth and you will pay the price." I stayed silent, my eyes still glued to the gun on the able. He picked up the gun and began to inspect it, keeping his eyes locked on it before speaking up again. 

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