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29th January 2020

Billie's POV

The last week or so has been amazing. We have actually been able to facetime properly and made more plans to hang out. The plan was to hang out tomorrow so when I told Finn I was going out with friends tomorrow, he decided that today we were going to try and start to make a new song for the album that Danny advised us to make.

I texted El letting her now I was going to be in the studio today so my responses were going to be slower than normal which she said she had work today anyway. A couple of days ago I found out she works in subway about 3 minutes from my house so I have decided that when stop for lunch I was going to bring her some. Anyway walking into Finns room with my notebook in my hand I already had an idea of what type of song I wanted. I opened my book to the page i have been working on most recently and started explaining the idea to Finn.

"So like an upbeat tempo practically all throughout and then the last verse mostly drums" I tried to explain but honestly I couldn't find the words to explain it.

"Do you maybe have the chorus or verse or something so we can try and work it out from there?"

"Umm yeah I do but you have to bear with me because I'm not 100% sure whether that's the lyrics I completely want" I passed my notebook over to Finn and he read them out loud like he usually does

you are my strange addiction
you are my strange addiction
my doctors cant explain
my symptoms or my pain
But you are my strange addiction

There was silence. Complete silence apart from the noises from Finn being on the computer and the mouse clicking every now and then until he pulled out the keyboard and started messing around with the keys trying to experiment to see whether he could try and get the same type of thing I wanted.

He lowered the pitch of the notes and start playing a rhythm and then adding a beat from a drum from a sound deck. At least what i think it is are called. He pulled out the headphones from the input of his computer and played the the music he made and it was exactly how i imagined it.

We decided to go to break so I left saying that I was going to go out for food and be back in an hour heading towards the subway branch she worked at. The whole walk I was trying to convince myself out of it. I mean we aren't dating so why would I come and surprise her with lunch.

As I reached up to the door with a carrier bag in my hand from the lunch I bought us on the way I put my hat on and joined the queue hoping that she was the one serving me.

"Hi how can I help" I looked up from my phone and made eye contact with her making her eyes go wider smiler even harder that before

"Oh yes umm hi miss I was wondering whether you could tell me what is you best sandwich" I said putting on a posh British accent making it hard for her to hold in her laugh. she took a breath before replying "Yep so the meatball sub is one of the main favourites which looks like this which contains meatballs, cheese and sauce" She said pointing at the menu to an image of advertisement for the meatball sub.

"I got to say it does look very nice "I said in the same accent

"So is that what you would like ma'am" She replied with her voice cracking at the end from holding in her laughter.

"Oh no there must be some confusion" I said chortling "I was talking about the pretty person Infront of me" I said smiling making her come from behind the counter bringing me into a hug "I've missed your hugs so much"

"So what do you say I bought lunch so why don't you take you lunch break and you can have all the hugs you want" I said while my head was in the crook of her neck but didn't last long as she pulls away.

"Okay one sec" she walked away through the employee only door and came out a couple of minutes later without her apron on and dragged me upstairs to the dining part of subway

I passed her a container and took mine out before watching her open it up. At first she looked confused until she realised what it was, grilled chicken ramen from Wagamama. She put the container down and brought me into another hug nearly knocking me off of the chair as she straddles my lap. "This is my favourite. How did you know?" She asked not once moving in the hug apart from squeezing a bit tighter.

"One of the first nights that we were on call you mentioned how much you loved it so it would only be right for me to get it for you" I said rubbing her back until she pulled away, kissed me on the cheek and opened the container to start eating. After composing myself and not making a fool out of me I pulled out my food which is vegan 'chicken' Kare lomen. I mean I have never tried Wagamama's and this was one of the only vegan things on the menu so at this point I'm just hoping I liked it.

After eating and chatting about her day so far while mentioning about this customer who had about 5 different sauces that don't belong together in a sandwich. It was time for her to go back on shift. We walked down the stairs and hugged one last time before waving goodbye as she walks through the doors to the prep room.

At least I get to see her tomorrow

-1021 words

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