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22nd May 2020

El's POV

"1 more" i Lifted the weight half way but start to struggle "cmon cmon you think your girlfriend would be happy seeing you fail" my 'coach' yelled in my ear making me lifting the 200kg up

"You got another one in you 1000%" she said encouraging me to lower the bar again as she holds her hand an inch under the bar.

"Okay now up" i started pushing up but nothing was happening "up up get the bar fucking up" she yelled getting more aggressive Which made me push straight up again and putting it down on the stand.

I sat up looking at the mirror in front of me seeing how red my face is. "9 reps girl look at my bae getting stronger" she said before chucking my water bottle.

She's my only friend I've made here. Her name was Sammy but she prefers Sam. That's the first thing she said to me and I instantly liked her. Plus she lifts more than the boys in the course so I know I can count on her.

"So am I going to meet mrs Wright" she asked sitting next to me. What the hell is she talking about "Or should I say future mrs Wright" she sat there smirking.

"Shut upppp" I said jokingly before we both bursted into laughter.

"For real tho, am I going to meet her. I haven't seen a photo of her better that I don't even know her name" she started questioning yet was wary that I probably won't answer. I haven't really opened up to anyone here and if I do it's basic information like my name and age.

I like it i feel hella mysterious. "Maybe one day" i smiled at her and started pulling the weights off and putting it back to the stack.

I chucked my T-shirt over my shoulder and walked out the gym with Sam and started heading to the dorm which we both share.

"So I haven't asked you yet but what is the reason you want to become a firewomen"she asked slightly glancing at me before crossing the road.

I looked to my right seeing a car coming speeding out from the interjection heading towards us. I pulled her jacket back just before the car passed making it slightly miss her. "So I can get ripped affff" i said smiling before walking on.

My phone started ringing and billies name was shown across the screen

"Hey babyyyy" she yelled down the phone seeming hella happy.

"Hey my favourite highlighter" i smiled which I know as soon as i said that if she was with me right now i would have gotten a slap.

"You know just because i have green roots now doesn't mean that I don't have feelings" she said annoyed. Might be because I've called her that since she dyed her hair but she said she's only going to keep it for 2 weeks so I got to make the most of it.

"I'm sorry baby, anywayssssss why you calling" i asked but not in a mean way. We have our time where we call eachother 7:30pm and then we chill on call until the morning which I promised I would never be one of those couples until I met billie.

"I got to cancel our call tonight I'm so sorry finn wants to work on the album so I just wanted to let you know" she explained but I couldn't help but listen to the background noise as well sounded hella busy.

"It's okay just text me when your not busy okay. I miss you so much" i said and saw Sam roll her eyes.

"I miss you too baby but I got to go I'll talk to you later or tomorrow, goodnight " she said before hanging up

"Goodnight to you too" I mumbled before putting my phone back on my pocket and opened the door to the uni dorms.

As soon as we walked in I dived on my bed not wanting to move for a decade. With billie being distant and the upcoming exam I feel like going MIA. But I won't.

I've been at my desk for atleast 4 hours just revising practical stuff that I need to know for the exam tomorrow. I would ask Sam if I could practise with her but she's currently out somewhere.

There was a knock on the door making me get up knowing it's probably someone for Sam so I'm going to have the awkward conversation of saying I don't know where she is.

"I'm sorry Sam ain't here" I said opening the door to see someone standing with a face mask, glasses and a hoodie on so I couldn't see anything. I looked down to see a fairy tattoo on the right hand exactly the same one that billie showed me she got. I looked up as she stepped closer. Her cologne.

I hugged her so tightly and she hugged back as she shut the door so we have more privacy. "Hey mamas" she whispered which only made me hug her tighter she's finally here. I haven't seen her in person for about a month and she's finally here.

We spent an hour lying in my bed just holding each other before I remembered the exam tomorrow.

"Babyyyyyyy you know how you're the best girlfriend in the world and you would do anything for me" I said which she hummed in response "can you help me with my homework" I asked and she agreed to but didn't even ask what she had to do.

"Okay lemme make room" I pulled the rucksack that she brought putting it on my bed and put my desk chair under the desk so there was more floor space. I pointed at the floor and she got up and stood there

"Lie down" I said flicking through the course book before adding a please on the end

"I like when you're all dominant and shit" she said lying down looking up at me.

"okay so I'm going to lift you up but you need to be as floppy as you can" I tried to explain but couldn't find the right words

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"okay so I'm going to lift you up but you need to be as floppy as you can" I tried to explain but couldn't find the right words

"So like I'm dead?" She asked which I nodded. "Exactly"

I bent down hooking my arms under her shoulder and lifting her up so she's leaning against me. I Lifted her right arm and put it so she would be fully on my right shoulder before bending down about up to her waist and picking her up so she's now over my shoulder.

She started to tell me to stop clearly not trusting that I could lift her but she doesn't know that I go to the gym everyday.

"How the fuck can you pick me up. When you left you could barely carry a basket of washing (laundry) let alone a whole human" she said which I have to prove her wrong.

I started squatting with her on my back making her squeal and laughing. I didn't realise how light she is damn "put me downnnnn" she yelled kicking her legs.
I put her down and brought her into a kiss

"So this is the future Mrs Wright"

-1258 words

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