F o r t y - T w o

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Billie's POV

I was kind of reluctant to believe what I heard through the ear piece when I was on stage. I mean I didn't want to believe but deep down my heart sank. I decided to go in my gym and run on the treadmill. To be fair its not really a gym room its just a room with a treadmill, a bench and a punching bag. I made it so that when I get ready for tour I start working out more because believe it or not singing while dancing around for almost 2 hours is a lot of work.

I started at the normal speed and ran for a while. Once i finished the warm up run i sat on the bench pulling out my phone to see Zoe has sent me 12 messages. I pulled up our chat reading the messages.


I don't mean to alarm you
but there is a video going around
Its nothing of you
Its El
I'm not going to say much but the date was yesterday when you said she had hardly seen her all day
The video is the pinned one with


I clicked on the link that she sent me and it was camera footage. At first I was confused I mean is it to with what i found out yesterday. No one knows that I know but I'm glad Zoe has my back to the point she would tell me something even if it's going to break my heart.

The video was 7 minutes long like come on cut the video down. Most of the video was a person behind the desk sipping coffee and typing something on her computer. In the last two minutes she looks up from the desk and walks towards the door. Opening it and letting the person in. I paused the video and looked at the face. That is definitely El. I pressed play and all of a sudden El backs the person who I'm guessing is her boss up against the wall making out with her. About 10 seconds later the pull apart and El leans a second time but it turns into a peck because someone walks into the office interrupting them.

I watched it a couple of times looking for any cuts or edits but from what i could see there wasn't. This made the situation more real. Like sure it had to be real for El, Finn and Claudia to have a nearly 3 hour talk or the fact that Danny had even talked to El about it but now I've physically seen it I feel like I could throw up.

I threw my phone onto the floor and put my head in my hands trying to calm down. I heard the door open and stayed still hoping that she would just ignore me and leave the room but obviously she didn't. "Angel What's wrong" She asked and I swear I could punch her for her to think that everything is okay. She put her hands on my knees and I moved my legs slightly so she wasn't touching me. "Billie?"

I dont know why her saying my name annoyed me so much. I forgot that I was trying to calm down "Fuck off!" I yelled with a couple of tears falling down my face. I looked up slightly making eye contact with her however my vision was blurry thanks to how much I had been crying. "Are you death or something I said fuck off"

Clearly she wasn't expecting that "I- umm sure" She said slowly getting up and leaving a bottle of water and a piece of paper on the bench next too me before leaving. Once she walked out I picked up the piece of paper and scoffed. A drawing of me. Don't get me wrong if it was any other time I would be in love with the fact that she took the time to draw me but considering what i have found out i feel like its more of a sorry I kissed my boss and you found out here's a drawing.

I ripped up the drawing leaving the paper on the bench and left the gym. I grabbed my keys that i left on the kitchen table and got in my car driving away. I just need some alone time.

El's POV

I got off the call and looked on TikTok at the video. He was right you can clearly tell its me and for some reason its gone viral. Without context it looks like I was the one who initiated the kiss which technically i did. I got to see Billie before she finds out.

I ran from her bedroom back to the gym room and she wasnt in there but i noticed she left the drawing in there. As I got closer i realised that she had ripped it in half. She knows.

I pulled out my phone opening her contact


Angel where are you
Message not delivered

Fuck. Has she blocked me? This is bad.  I ran to the garage to see her car wasn't in there I realised that the keys and her wallet that was left on the kitchen counter is now gone. Alright I'm going to have to find her I cant leave her in whatever mindset she is in no matter how much she doesn't want to see me.

I got in the car turning it on and pulling out my phone to see her location.

Angel is currently not sharing her location

Fuck she has turned her location off. I started to panic and drove to Finns house hoping she's there. Pulling into his driveway I can see her car isn't here but I need his help regardless. I knocked on the door multiple of times and Finn answered the door like he was going to yell at the person but his expression softened once he realised it was me and I was crying.

He invited me in and offered me  drink but a drink is the last thing on my mind right now. "Finn can you go on 'Find my' and see where Billie is." He agreed grabbing his phone and loading up the app

"Umm it says she has turned off her location"

-1073 words

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