E i g h t e e n

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A/N: I'm sorry in advance 🤭

4th February 2021

Billie's POV

I  started to move on 2 months ago. After about 6 months of me waiting and texting her I came to the conclusion that this is one of the main reasons I'm hurting. Every single time I text her I keep getting my hopes up expecting her to text me so when she doesn't it hurts twice as much.

So I've been focusing on myself for once. I've redone the green in my hair so it looks fire as fuckkk. I released my album a couple of weeks ago and people are loving it. I also haven't looked at her Instagram page in about a week and the last thing I saw was she got hired as a firefighter. I'm so proud of her but I don't want to text her.

On the note she texted me the other day but I couldn't bring myself to answer. I texted finn about it and he said that we can talk about it when he arrives in about 10 hours. So I'm getting ready to go to the library and read for a couple of hours before heading to the airport to pick up Finn and my parents.

I put the 2 bowls down. One of water and one of food "shark" I yelled and a couple of seconds later my pit bull came trotting over and sitting in front of his food waiting for his command. "Good boy" I said Patting his head. This was the first time he had done it without me telling him "okay go on then" he immediately stood up going to the food.

I said goodbye to the pup before changing his puppy pad in the corner of the room and headed out of the house in my red Mercedes that I use to just drive around in when I don't want to be in the public eye.

El's POV

It's been about just under a year since me and Billie talked. I still check up on her through finn since she won't answer me but I know she doesn't mean any harm. She just wants to move. Is it wrong to admit all I want is her back even though I was the one who ignored her in the first place.

Also I completed the course and now I am currently just sitting in my car waiting for Sam to get in so I can drive us to the station. It turns out she lived in highland park too so we both applied for the same fire station and both got it.

I also did something I don't want to admit. I slept with my boss. Before you say anything I didn't know she was my boss until I saw her a couple of days after but she gave me a promotion of Lieutenant. I nearly passed out when she told me but apparently according to her I'm the best I'm the field when really I think she has feelings for me.

"Goodmorning sunshine" Sam said getting in the car as her usual happy self. Why do people always have to be happy. Wait how are they always happy.

"Yeah yeah. Put your seatbelt on so I can drive"which she did and I drove to the station which is a couple of minutes away.

"Sooooo you ready to see your wifey" she asked and I ignored her "fine you excited to see your 'boss'" she nudged my side playful while asking the question.

"She's my boss"i shrugged in response. I didn't know what else to say.

"Yeah your Boss that you had moaning" She giggled like she said something comedic. I hummed back and parked in the parking spot before heading into the station. Practically as soon as I entered the building we had a call. 

"We got a rollover, dispatched said there was 2 cars involved. They also say they only see 3 victims but can't be too sure on eye witness accounts." I said getting the attention of the squad.

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