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A/N: uploads might be a bit slower because I can't figure out where I want the plot to go. I'm sorry but I hope you are all well <3

20th February 2020

Billie's POV

"Y-you love me?"

"I umm- just get out. I'll talk to you tomorrow" she said leaving go of my chin and put both hands back on the steering wheel facing forward.


"JUST GET OUT" She said raising her voice slightly but her voice cracking towards the end of the sentence. I looked at her before opening my mouth to say something while she points at the at door.

I kiss her on the cheek before quietly getting out of the car and standing on the pavement watching her drive away. "I love you too" I mumble while wiping a tear away and walking up to the house

21st February 2020

I open the notebook that I write ideas for songs and start writing down the new verse for my strange addiction based on how I'm feeling after the kinda fight with El last night. I haven't talked about it to anyone because I don't really know how to.

Deadly fever, please don't ever break
Be my reliever 'cause I don't self medicate
And it burns like a gin and I like it
Put your lips on my skin and you might ignite it
Hurts, but I know how to hide it, kinda like it

Wait I know how I can make it up to her. I book the Kia forum tonight and post on my story about it so at-least a couple will be there ecspecially with the tickets being cheaper than last night.

"Finn!" I yell bursting into his room "we need to finish the song" he nodded and loaded up the song. All we had to do is finish the verse I just wrote which will hopefully only take an hour.

I text El to get ready so I can pick her up at 7pm and put more focus back on finishing the song.

- 6:50pm -

We finally finished the song and I'm now on the way to go and pick up El. She still doesn't know what's happening apart from the show since she follows me on insta.

It took quiet a lot of convincing to allow me to see her let alone pick her up but luckily I love her so I made sure she was going to say yes eventually.

I got in the passenger side of Finn's car and tell him the directions to El's house. As we turn down on her street I pull down the mirror checking that I look all good which made Finn laugh at me because and I quote how I'm trying to be perfect for her.

We pulled up outside her house where she just stood. So beautiful yet she hasn't noticed us. I got out of the car and decided to speak up to get her attention.

"Hey El" I said wanting it to come out confident but came out more shy.

"Hey B. Why'd you want to meet?" She asked while reluctantly bringing her into a hug.

"Because Danny added a show and I would like you to be there" I said smiling which she smiled back even bigger.

"Cmon! We are gonna be late otherwise" finn yelled out of the rolled down window.

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