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   My phone goes off with a text message before mine and Kyler's conversation can continue, I turn my attention to my phone and lean forward to grab it off the coffee table. As my attention is on my phone, I can feel Kyler's attention on my. I think she is trying to be discreet but I can feel her looking at me. From my peripheral, I can see her eyes roam over my face, down to my neck and she licks her lips. I feel my skin heat up under her gaze and I don't understand this feeling I get when she looks at me. Then I notice her eyes shift down to my breasts and I realize they are a little exposed from me leaning forward because my tank top dipped down.

   The beautiful young woman before me doesn't realize my attention is back on her as I watch her eyes roam right back to my breast even after I have sat back up. I clear my throat "eyes up here Kyler." I say a little sternly.

   Kyler instantly looks back up meeting my blue eyes with her gorgeous brown ones and mumbles "sorry." I can't believe I caught her staring at me like that, again. "I'm sorry and I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable when I said you were beautiful." She says.

   "It's... okay, it's nice of you to say." I say and I can feel a slight heat on my cheeks and I know I'm blushing again. I don't think anyone has ever made me blush so easily and I don't know why Kyler has this affect on me. I look down, "it's just... I haven't... I haven't been called that in quite a while." I admit out loud which makes me feel ridiculous to admit like I'm seeking validation from Kyler without realizing.

   Kyler laughs "you've got to be kidding me. You're telling me Mike doesn't tell you how beautiful you are?" I shake my head no and she says "you are absolutely breathtaking." I know my face turns bright red from that so I look down at my wine glass. I hear her chuckle so I know she saw my red face.

   It is silent between us but it's not an awkward silence. Why do I feel so comfortable with Kyler? I don't even know her and never met her until today but I feel like we have been friends for a long time. I can feel her just sitting here watching and studying me and I wonder what's going though her mind. How can she easily say I'm beautiful when Mike doesn't even tell me that? Why do I feel drawn to her? What is going on with me?

   Before I have a chance to change the topic, Kyler thankfully does. "So do you work or do you stay at home?" She asks with the cutest little head tilt.

   I laugh at her question because I get asked this a lot when I first meet people. They always assume I'm a stay at home wife because of Mikes job. "I work and I'm actually the principal at Alamo Vista High School. The same school you will be going to after spring break is over."

   Kyler looks a little confused. "So this week is spring break here and you're the principal?" She asked.

   I nod "yes and we go back to school this coming up Monday. I am taking you shopping this week for clothes and supplies." Kyler just sits here looking at me in disbelief. I don't know if it's because I'm a high school principal, the principal at her school or because of this being Spring Break.

   "What made you want to teach or, well, be a principal?" Kyler suddenly asks like she is actually interested to know.

   "You really want to know?" I ask because I'm a little shocked she is interested to know. She nods her head and smiles so I continue. "Well, I love helping people, especially helping shape and inspire young minds. I have wanted to be a teacher since I was in middle school. Originally I wanted to teach middle school after I graduated college but they needed a few high school teachers at Alamo Vista. So after teaching high school math for a little while the opportunity came up for the principal position so I applied and got it."

   Kyler smiles as she watches me talk. I see her staring and ask "what?" She just shakes her head and motions for me to continue. "I know it's not exactly teaching but I do love it the same. This is my second year as principal." Kyler smiles even more at me as I talk passionately about my job. The way she intensely watches and listens to me just makes me feel... seen, appreciated.

"Wow, I bet you are an awesome teacher. I wish I could have had you as a teacher. Not trying to be weird or make you uncomfortable but I could listen to you talk all day. Add in the way you talk so passionately about things you like makes it even better. You have a very soothing, very comforting voice but at the same time it has such a, pardon me, sexy tone. It really is amazing."

I... I don't even know what to say to that. What can I say? I turn my head towards the couch to try and hide my burning hot, red face. Even my ears are on fire.

   Kyler laughs suddenly, "Don't try to hide, I sorry, I will try not embarrass you anymore." I peek up at her and she laughs again. "One a different note, I get two spring breaks this school year. I just finished spring break in Pensacola when I had to come here."

   I laugh too because she gets a double Spring Break which most kids would kill for. "Well you got lucky I guess Kyler."

   Kyler frowns, "not really, I only had two months of school left and could have graduated with my friends. Now I graduate in a new place with no friends."

   We sat in silence for a couple minutes. I sigh because I know this has to be hard on her. "I understand Kyler, it was all bad timing with everything but you will make friends here. You have nearly three months to make friends since school doesn't get out until June."

   Kyler looks at me with wide eyes,"so school doesn't end in May here?"

   I shake my head no, "No Kyler, we go to school from September to June. June 18th is actually the last day of school but graduation is the 17th so your last day will be the 17th."
Kyler groans at this news which causes me to giggle. "It will pass by quickly sweetie and you will be graduating with new friends before you know it."

   I watch as a light blush tints her cheeks and it's cute but at the same time I wonder what I said that caused it. Maybe it was from me calling her sweetie? I do sometimes tend to use pet names, so to speak, when talking to people. Sometimes I'm hesitant about that because I don't want people taking it the wrong way but it feels natural with Kyler.

   After a few seconds, Kyler finally breaks the silence. "I was definitely raised to know better and I know it's not nice to ask a woman's age but... how old are you?"
I laugh at Kyler because I was expecting this question especially after telling her I was a high school principal. "You're right, it's not nice to ask but... I just turned 26 at the beginning of this month."

   Kyler looks so shocked that I'm currently nine years older than her. Did she think I looked younger or older? Maybe she thought there wasn't much of an age difference between me and Mike. I can't help but actually laugh at the shocked look on Kyler's face. "Wow, even your laugh is so hot." My face turns red at her words which apparently were not meant for me to hear because Kyler covers her mouth and looks away like she didn't mean to say that out loud.

I Loved You Before I Met You (New Version)Where stories live. Discover now