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   It's now Monday morning which means it's time for school again. I can't believe it's the beginning of May. I would be closer to graduating if I was still in Pensacola. Instead I am here in San Antonio fucking everything up. I am so tired I really don't want to go to school but I know I have too and of course I woke up really early.

   Mike has not come back home yet and there's obvious tension between Lauren and I. She has been avoiding me as much as she possibly can. I haven't tried to talk to her about Saturday night even though I want to because it's obvious she doesn't and I'm trying to respect that.

   Lauren didn't come home Saturday night because apparently Julia took her to her hotel to sleep and be away from me, then dropped her off Sunday morning. Lauren stayed mostly in her bedroom the rest of the weekend and I stayed in mine. The only time she ever spoke to me was when she mumbled good night. I should have known it was Lauren at the club as much as I have kept my eyes glued to her but I guess with the alcohol it never dawned on me.

   After I got back from the club Saturday, I laid awake all night thinking about the beautiful dirty blonde. I was still so aroused from what happened earlier. The more I thought about it the more my arousal grew and I felt the strong need to release some seriously built up sexual frustration which I have never want to do.

   Just thinking about Lauren and her body against mine made my clit throb. I slowly slipped my hand into my underwear and started off rubbing small slow circles on my clit. The more I pictured Lauren the faster my hand went. As soon as I thought about the small moans that escaped her I had a shuddering climax. I know I'm just torturing myself wanting someone I can't have but she is just... perfection to me. She makes me feel things I never thought I would feel.

   At least my mind is somewhat distracted with school and class work today, well, most of the time. I am still sexually frustrated and it's even worse when I see Lauren. Sitting in first period, Ms. Smith has been glancing at me off and on. At one point I stop working and just look at her. She is a beautiful woman and I need a distraction big time. I feel like I'm driving myself crazy thinking about Lauren and I need someone to take my mind off of her.

   With my thoughts back on Lauren, I'm biting my lip as I zone out looking in Ms. Smith's direction. I snap out of it and suddenly our eyes meet as she looks up from whatever she was doing at her desk with an expression I'm not sure of. I don't look away and neither does she as I try to figure out why she's looking at me the way she is. We look at each other for a few seconds until we're interrupted by another student asking for help. She licks her lips as she looks at me one last time before turning her attention to the student.

   Second period's a breeze with nothing eventful happening and by the time lunch rolls around I have mostly got my mind off of Lauren. Well, that is until after lunch when I see her bent over in the hallway picking up a piece of paper when I am on my way to my last class of the day. Her pencil skirt is tightened around her ass as she is bent over. I just freeze in place in the hallway, probably looking like an idiot and can't help but stare at her.

   When Lauren stands back up, she turns around to start walking down the hallway in my direction but she stops immediately when she sees me. I can't help but involuntarily lick my lips while looking at her. Her face turns red and she quickly turns on her heels, walking the other direction. Just seeing her ass sway side to side when she walks, umm... damn.

   All through Advanced Design 101, I am a mess. I can't concentrate to even get my work done. The teacher is constantly telling me to pay attention and I try to do just that but it's no use. I have never wanted to kiss someone or wanted someone like I want her. I need a distraction and I need one now because otherwise I think I'm going to go crazy.

   Looking at my watch I realize I only have five minutes left in this class. While watching those painfully slow five minutes pass I suddenly have an idea. I will be honest that it's not the best idea but at this point I kind of don't care because I'm desperate for a distraction. Once the bell rings I am out the door making my way back to the other end of school.

   I reach Ms. Smith's door and I don't even knock. I swing the door open then let it slam shut which causes her to jump in her chair. She stares at me as I quickly walk to her desk dropping my backpack along the way. She looks at me and licks her lips so I grab her face and take her lips with mine. Her lips are soft and probably nothing like Lauren's but I try not to think about that since I'm doing this to get my mind off of her.

   Ms. Smith grabs my hips pulling me forward and I straddle her while she's in her chair. I kiss her hard and I hear a muffled noise escape as she starts kissing me back. I move my hands from her face to her back and pull her into me more. She brushes her tongue between my lips but I don't give her access.

   As we continue to kiss, Ms. Smith tightens her grip on my hips. I trail my lips down her jawline to her neck. "Kyler..." Ms. Smith whispers while trying to catch her breath. "I'm not her," she says but I don't know why. Before I can ask what she means, she arches her chest towards me and I hear her moan.

   Ms. Smith releases my hips and grabs my face, pulling my lips back to hers. She kisses me with a hungry, desperate kiss. She lets go of my face and I kiss back down to her neck. Ms. Smith's head falls back against her chair and she says "you're not my type... but you remind me of someone. This doesn't mean anything though."

   I nod as I kiss up Ms. Smith's jaw and I am so lost in what I am doing that I don't hear the door open and apparently she doesn't either. All of a sudden I hear someone yell "what the hell is going on in here?" I stop as soon as I hear that voice because I know who it is. I get off Ms. Smith's lap and stand up straight. I turn around to see Laurens eyes wide and hear her gasp when she sees me.

   "Kyler!" is all she says while staring at me. I look at Lauren and see her eyes drop from mine to my lips then back up. She realizes I am staring at her and clears her throat ready to speak again. "What do you two think you are doing? Kyler, you know better, this is not like you. And Ms. Smith, you... you definitely know better than to engage in a... sexual relationship with a student. You could lose your job for this and... make yourself presentable... now!" Lauren says with anger.

   I have never seen Lauren this mad and before she can say anything else I interrupt her "Lauren, it's not Ms. Smith's fault. This is all my fault, I started it." She looks surprised at first then that look fades to something else.

   Lauren stares at me and in a shaky voice says "Kyler, go home... and I mean straight home. We will discuss this when I get there this afternoon. I cannot even talk to you right now because I'm so..." She shakes her head as the words die in her throat.

   "Okay Lauren but please don't fire Ms. Smith, it really wasn't her fault. I should have never done this. I promise it will never happen again. You can even swap me to another class. It's my fault." I plead.

   "Just go home Kyler," Lauren says without looking directly at me.

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