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After what happened at the club, Julia took me to Saturday night, my mind has been a mess. I definitely drank way to much and definitely didn't expect Kyler to be there drunk as well. I also didn't expect us to end up basically all over each other without realizing who the other person was. I've never done anything like that from drinking. I always make it known that I'm married but for some reason I didn't then.

Julia took me back to her hotel that night for me to sleep there. She kept asking if I knew I was basically grinding on Kyler and I told her I didn't know. Of course Julia didn't believe me at first until I finally broke down crying and kept repeating that I didn't know. That was the truth though, I didn't know it was Kyler but now she has been on my mind non stop and it is so wrong. I feel like such a terrible person for thinking about her in ways I shouldn't. I feel like a cheater which is one thing I can't stand. I just can't stand people that cannot be faithful.

I avoided Kyler the rest of the weekend and did not speak to her except for mumbling goodnight in passing Sunday night. I know she was probably hurt by that but it was for the best. I was trying to stay away to hopefully clear thoughts and feelings that were inappropriate. Yet I hardly slept Sunday night because as soon as I dozed off, I started dreaming about Saturday night and Kyler. I woke up sweating and panting from my dream and really turned on. After that, I had trouble falling back to sleep. God, what is wrong with me?

When my alarm went off this morning, I dreaded going to work and seriously thought about staying home. I went to work anyway and struggled all day. I just had so much on my mind and none of it was dealing with work. Mrs. Scott kept asking me what was wrong and if I was okay. I kept telling her I was fine and she finally stopped asking. By the time it was the last class of the day, I had started to feel a little better and my mind seemed a little clear.

That changed after school let out and I went to talk to a teacher in the English department. After that, I decided to leave work earlier than usual today because I just couldn't focus any longer.

Walking into Tylisha Smith's classroom today and seeing her with a student on her lap was shocking. When I realized Kyler was the student, I was mad, jealous but more than anything, I was hurt. I had no reason to be jealous or hurt but I was. I didn't understand how she could do that. I didn't and still don't understand why it hurt me so much or why my first thought was I wished she would have been kissing me instead.

As soon as I get home, I notice it's quiet in the house and there's no sign of Kyler down here. I know she's here because her car is so I guess she's in her room. I drop my purse and my keys on the island countertop and head straight for a bottle of wine. I need something to calm my nerves before talking to Kyler. I pour a glass and sit down at the island, releasing a deep breath. I down the first glass rather quickly and pour a second one. I down it quickly then pour a third.

As I take a big swallow of wine, I think about the first time I met Kyler up until now. I think about all the small talks, heartfelt talks, looks, light touches, her caring nature and willingness to always help. I think about the jealousy I feel when her attention isn't on me. I think about how I feel so drawn to her, her flirting, her eyes, those dimples and her lips. Those lips that felt so good against my neck, those lips that I want to feel against mine. Fuck... I... I think I'm attracted to Kyler and I think I'm falling for her.

Ok, that is just wrong for me to think that, I can't be. I'm married and married to a man. A man who is Kyler's father. I've never even been attracted to another woman. I have never even looked at another woman like that. It's just the wine talking, it has to be the wine talking. I set my wine glass down, leaving the rest of the wine in it. I need to get this over with and I need to quit thinking inappropriately about Kyler. She would never actually be interested in me anyway.

I make my way upstairs to Kyler's bedroom and knock on the door. I hear a very sleepy sounding "come in." As I start opening the door I say "Kyler, we need to talk so..." My words die in my throat as I see her laying across her bed in nothing but her sports bra and... those boxers. Why does she look so good like that? I feel my breathing pick up and I involuntarily licks my lips. Kyler clears her throat, snapping me out of my daze. What is wrong with me?

"What were you saying?" Kyler asks with a smirk on her face. Oh God, she obviously saw me basically checking her out. My face and ears feel like they're on fire because she caught me staring at her body. Her very sexy body... no, I have to stop. Why does she cause all the feelings inside me? Why does she bring me comfort, peace and why does she feel so natural to me?

I look away from Kyler quickly and clear my throat, hopefully clearing my mind too. "Oh umm... I was telling you to come downstairs so we can talk. I will be in the kitchen waiting and please... get dressed." I say with a shaky voice.

"I'll be right down." Kyler says with that damn smirk knowing she caught me checking her out more. Why do I feel things I shouldn't? Why am I drawn to her? It was just so hard to look away. Now I know where some of her other tattoos are and she looks so good with them. I am definitely becoming a fan of tattoos.

As soon as I get back downstairs, I finish the little bit of wine left in my glass and pour me another as I sit at the island waiting on Kyler. I am so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even know she had come downstairs.

"How long have you been home? I know this was a new bottle." Kyler asks which scares me, causing me to jump in my seat. She picks up the wine bottle and looks at it then looks at me waiting on me to answer.

I left school early." I reply as I take a sip of wine. Kyler sits down on the stool beside me and she just looks at me. I might as well get this over with. Just thinking about her and Tylisha causes that jealous feeling to rise in me again. I shake my head at myself because I don't know what's going on with me.

"Lauren, are you okay?" Kyler asks in a concerned voice. I just nod my head and take a deep breath then release it.

"Kyler, what were you thinking? Never mind obviously you weren't. I can't believe you would do something like that. I just don't understand why. Why would you do that? I haven't told your father and prefer not to tell him at all if I'm being honest. He is supposed to be back tomorrow night though so I want to take care of this before then. I never expected to walk in on something like that much less to see you doing something like that."

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