Chapter 18 - Morning Vigor

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I was about to think of my mother when I decided to shoot up from bed. I just couldn’t. I couldn’t bring myself to think of her. Not now. Maybe later on in the night when I had already battled the day. 

There was nothing I could wear. None of my clothes were here because of the speedy departure from my apartment. I was stuck wearing Cisco’s gigantic shirt and a pair of boxers that fit like shorts. It looked as if I was wearing one big, gray dress and nothing else. And I liked it. I went to the closest bathroom, which was the one down the hall, and took care of my usual morning ritual.  Hopefully Cisco was still sleeping so that I could hunt the kitchen for food by myself. 

But my hopes were crushed. Upon arriving to the kitchen, I saw him. Awake and about with a cell phone in hand. And without a shirt. His full torso was bare, the unmistakable bronze tone of his skin shining gloriously with the morning vigor. His muscles moved with every relaxed movement he made, softly clenching, then releasing, torturing me with their subtle flexes. Every defined ab trailed symmetrically down his abdomen, teasingly leading my eyes to his sculpted V... That further lead to his protruding crotch. The flimsy cotton pants he wore did nothing to dissimulate his manhood. 

Why, oh why, did he have to do this to me? I never walked around my apartment half naked.

“Still no leads, Dee?” Cisco asked into the phone. It took everything in me not to gasp aloud. I tore my gaze away, hiding behind the concealing walls that lead to the kitchen. My breath was coming unevenly in response to the coursing adrenaline at having almost been caught by him. There was a brief pause before Cisco said anything. “Thanks. Call me when you know something. Anything. I’ve to go.” His goodbye was curt, almost business-like. And he was talking to his friend. Was something the matter? 

I was about to make my presence known when Cisco started to speak again. With someone else. Should I walk in? Cut the conversation short? Or should I walk back to the guest room as quietly as I could. I couldn’t risk him hearing me. No, that would be inconvenient. I’d have to explain more than I wanted to. But was I really going to eavesdrop?

Yes, yes I was. I was going to put on my big girl pants and snoop around for a change. I was tired of being so accepting for once in my life. I was capable of obtaining answers, of handling them like a woman. I wanted to know. 

“Peter. Are you available?” Cisco’s greeting was dry, strictly business yet far from rude. He continued, “I’d like to have you serve as a far guard for my client. Are you willing?” Someone spoke on the other line. “The time is undetermined. Until I need you, basically.” Another pause. “Peter, are you willing?” He repeated, his tone hard and irritated. “Good. You’ll start tomorrow.” Cisco said and I knew the conversation was done. But what in hell was a far guard? Was it as self explanatory as it seemed? I wanted to know that too.

“What’s a far guard?” I asked, stepping into the kitchen light and away from my shelter. 

I held in my breath as he laid his eyes on me, scrutinizing me from head to toe with those dark eyes. He didn’t seem bothered at my spying, quite the opposite actually. I held myself together, telling myself that it didn’t matter whether or not he was angry at me. There were things I should know, especially when those things greatly concerned me. The client.

“Eavesdropping much?” His cool, smooth voice lifted the hairs on my neck. 

Those eyes were burning me; I had to get away. I absentmindedly passed him by and headed toward a cabinet, hoping it contained a cereal box. “Maybe.” I retorted, hoping I sounded as confident as he always did when he used that little line. I opened the cabinet, all the while aware of his gaze. There was no cereal, just cups. I moved onto another one, pretending that I couldn’t feel those eyes on me. Still no cereal.

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