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Hello, lovelies! So this is the prologue of my new story which I'm pretty psyched for! Since I'm almost finished with one of my stories I decided to post this up so I can get started on it. I hope it's an interesting story for all of you. Please let me know what you think and vote, comment, and fan if you like it. Yeah, I know. It's only a single prologue but whatever. Lol. Thanks for reading! :D <3




I woke up at the sound of my phone ringing and vibrating on the bedside table, jumping in bed, alert and awake now. I surveyed the room quickly, making sure I was alone. Even when I was guarded by the walls of my apartment, I never seized to make sure that there were no trespassers because a single let down could be the difference between living and dying. I had been taught that, put through endless hours of torture back in the academy just so I could get that fact engraved into my head.

Shit, it was engraved. It was very thickly engraved into my brain and it would forever remain that way.

I twisted in bed to take the phone and unlock it then put it to my ear.

"Hello?" I answered groggily, my voice still slurring from the lack of sleep. It was saturday, my day off. I had no reason to be answering the phone in the middle of the morning but me, being me, decided I should leave my phone on just to be cautious. Caution was a simple basic foundation to my job, to my life.

"Yes, is this Agent Francisco Medina?" A woman's voice asked, sounding a bit weak, almost as if speaking itself was causing her great effort. She must be as tired as I am. But then why the hell call me at four in the goddamn morning when she could have waited a good five hours? I was becoming slightly aggravated.

"Why does it matter?" I asked, a bit bored. And tired. God was I tired. There was no way I was telling someone who I was without knowing who asked and why.

"Because I've got a job for you if you are." She answered and suddenly paused, coughing, before continuing. "I'm very sorry to be calling you at this time, Agent, but I really need your services-" She seemed desperate, I hadn't even verified my identity but of course that was what she wanted. I had known all along that that was probably the reason why someone was calling. Here was yet another person asking for me to work for them. I was already booked for the next six months so I decided to cut her off and save her words, besides it seemed speaking was becoming very hard for the woman.

"I'm very sorry but I am already working for someone for the next six months, ma'm." I said, my voice stern and professional now that I was slightly more awake.

"What if I said that I could offer you a great deal of money if you take the job?" She asked hopefully.

I sighed, "How much are you willing to pay?" Might as well ask yet I was sure it would be the normal hundred thousand dollars people offered to bribe me if I dropped other booked jobs and took theirs. I almost snorted in amusement and disbelief.

"I was thinking five million dollars-" Wait what? Had I heard right?

"Five million dollars, ma'm? Who are you exactly?" I asked, bewildered.

A strained chuckle came on the other line before speaking, "Yes, five million dollars. Does that sound good, Agent Medina? Oh, and I suppose you can know who I am as long as you don't tell anyone about our conversation. I'm Josephine Belvedere." Josephine Belvedere? The name definitely rung a bell but I couldn't quite wrap my mind around it. I'd have to look it up. But she had to be someone big, powerful, up there. I mean, five million dollars? Five million fucking dollars if I agreed to her job? What in hell?

I didn't speak, not knowing what I should do. I had to know more. I had to be sure I wasn't walking into a trap. Mrs. Belvedere must have sensed my indecision by the long moment of silence because she was the one to break it, speaking quietly into the phone.

"Agent, I know you're a very cautious man and I also know you don't jump on impulse. That's why you're the best bodyguard in New York City. So I'll have someone send a cab over to where you live if you gave me the address so you can come meet me. We can have a proper conversation and talk more about the job I'm offering." She said and I shook my head, rolling my eyes. No way in hell.

"I don't mind going to meet you but not as you said. You can send me your address and I'll be there first thing tomorrow morning." I said. For some reason, I felt this woman wasn't the decoy in a plot to harm me but I'd still make sure, I'd be cautious.

"Yes, that sounds fine. Do you know of The Plaza? Central park south, fifth avenue? Oh, of course you do. Just ask for my name, Josephine Belvedere, and tell them yours. I'll already have you expected by the front desk for easier service." She said. My mouth fell slightly open. The Plaza? That fancy looking thing that cost thousands a month? Shit, I had to know who this was. I stood from the bed, phone in hand and started to make my way to my laptop.

"Alright, ma'm. I'll be there." I said.

"Thank you very much, Agent Medina." She said, sighing in relief. Was she in that strong a danger that she needed me so badly? That can't be good.

I hung up the phone and turned on the computer, the little grey apple appearing on the white screen. I googled her name three times before I actually spelled it right. Dammit, it was a mouthful!

I saw a picture first thing. She was a clean, obviously designer dressed woman of about fifty years of age. She looked respectable. I clicked the first site I saw since it looked promising enough and hunted for information. My mouth fell open as I read.

I was talking to the designer of the most famous woman's clothing line, Belvedere Couture! Of course she was loaded with money! Shit, I'm taking that job if she isn't a lying whore and actually meant all she had said. Five million dollars? That's enough to support me for freaking life. Shit.

But why would she be so urgent? Why spend so much money on a bodyguard? I'd find out tomorrow and no, there was no way anything would backfire if she wasn't who she said she was. I knew very well that there were people who would do anything if it meant they'd get their hands on me. Even if it meant posing as the world's best designer. I had pissed a few people off in my lifetime if I must say so myself...

First thing when I woke up I'd get two men for backup, waiting in the lobby if I needed them. I'd be armed, ready to protected myself if I needed to. This would be easy. Either I get five millions dollars... Or I don't.

But what exactly am I getting myself into?


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