Chapter 11 - The Range

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Hello, lovelies! Sorry for the wait. So much crap has been in the way. I'm not even making up any excuses. But... here you go! (: Hope you enjoy it and please remember to vote, comment, and fan if you do. 

Laters, baby! :D <3


“Mila. Wake up.” A deep and hoarse voice, too familiar, tugged at my consciousness but I was too high in the clouds of sleep to dwell on it. I kept my eyes closed. And then they shot open. Two strong, warm hands gripped my ankles and my body was pulled in a firm tug.

“Aaah!” I shrieked, coming alive and grabbing onto the bed post with both hands before I could be dragged out of the bed. My body was risen from the mattress and the hands that gripped my feet still held onto me with ease. I knew perfectly well to whom those hands belonged to. Only Francisco Medina had those hands. 

“What the hell are you doing?” I exclaimed, utter irritation seeping through my voice. Even though I was holding on with all of my strength, I knew the force was a lost cause. If Cisco truly wanted, I’d be face-flat on the floor by now. 

“Waking you up. It could’ve been simpler but you were being difficult. As always.” Cisco explained calmly and his hands left my ankles, letting me fall to the bed with a little oof! My face bounced off the pillow.

“Jerk.” I hissed, earning myself an amused snicker. I let my head roll back onto the pillow and started to make myself comfortable again. Just as I expected; Cisco woke me up just to spite me and get a few kicks out of it. The jerk.

Then another shriek escaped my mouth but not because of Cisco’s previous method of pestering me but because of the more recent one that was just occurring. “C-Cisco! S-Stop it. You j-jerk!” I complained through fits of bubbling giggles as Cisco’s long, skilled fingers made contact with the soles of my bare feet. He was tickling me! His hands continued the merciless assault but traveled to my gut where the skin was even more sensitive. I could see the sparkle in his eyes as I writhed underneath him and hear the amusement in his rumbling laughter as it joined mine. He looked raggedly beautiful from where I laid even if I was gazing at him through eyes clouded by the moisture of excess laughter. 

“P-Please, stop. C-Cisco!” I exclaimed. He let out an exaggerated sigh and decided to take mercy on me, bringing his fingers to a stop on my stomach before taking them away completely. With one last smirk he walked away but didn’t exit my room. I sat up, trying to regain my breath and composure. All the while Cisco looked at me with raw, remorseless amusement. I glared at him.

“What the hell, Francisco Medina!” I exclaimed, giving him the look that portrayed my question.

He only laughed, a low, sexy rumble that shouldn’t be considered humane to other women. I could only stare at him in question, the glare still fresh on my face. “We’re going to a shooting range. No questions asked.” Again he used that dominating voice of his, capable of restraining most anyone. But I did not care. 

“A shooting range,” I said, testing the word out on my tongue. Cisco looked at me, cocking his head to the side in challenge. He arched an eyebrow and stared at me, waiting. Those pitch-dark, almost black eyes seared into me with blazing fire and I grew self conscious under his gaze; I’d be goddamned if I let him notice. On the other hand, why was he suddenly taking me to a shooting range? Did those even exist in Manhattan? Probably. I settled on the thought that Cisco wanted to either scare the living shit out of me in a shooting range or he was opting for a more ‘bodyguard-like’ opportunity. Like teaching me to handle a gun. A freaking gun.

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