Chapter 7 - Have Fun Waiting

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 ~Chapter 7~

My eyelids slowly parted, revealing an endless shade of deep caramel. Skin. Francisco’s skin. I looked away, confused, my eyes surveying the area in one long sweep of pale shades of blue and white. That’s right. I was at the hospital and I had slept perfectly in Cisco’s arms the whole short night. Knowing where I was now that I was conscious, I felt the worry trickle into me quickly. Was my mom alright? I’d have to ask soon. Right after I went to the bathroom, of course. I really had to pee. 

But how am I going to get up without waking Cisco? I was nestled in his lap, wrapped in his heavy strong arms that felt like an iron weight on me. But the feeling was great, warm and sheltering. Still, I had to pry my way out of his arms without rousing him from his deep sleep. On top of that, there was a blanket covering the two of us that would likely cause a bit of trouble. How had that blanket gotten here? Oh well. Carefully, I wiggled myself free, not that I felt captive at all. The blanket that had covered us was now laying awkwardly on his lap, falling off and threatening to fall on the germ-infested floor. I quickly grabbed it and tried my best to lay it over him without rousing him. He didn’t seem to notice.

Cisco was one heavy sleeper! I had tried to be as motionless as possible -and failed- when sliding my way out but he had not even stirred and he was still somewhere up in cloud nine. Looking quite adorable in that cloud too, I concluded, allowing myself to steal a glimpse of him now and take advantage of the fact that he wouldn’t notice. 

Cisco was sprawled on a light blue chair, one arm now sprawled on his lap in front of him while the other laid limp at his side. The blanket was too small for his long body so it only covered some of his chest and lap. His hair was lightly tousled and his head was rolled slightly to the side, his long lashes resting gracefully on the high chiseled bones of his face as he rested. Cisco’s powerful and broad chest rose slowly in rhythmic ascending and descending motions as he breathed, his lithe and muscular body extending from the chair in a large mass that was so perfectly masculine it had my pulse quickening. He was undoubtedly the incarnation of a flawless god or angel. The personification of all that was beauty and power. 

Determined with the resolution of not perving on Cisco for longer, I strode away and started to make my way to the restrooms. I knew very well where they were since I had made a few visits here with my mom. Again I remembered what she must be going through and pain shot through my heart. I couldn’t keep thinking of this, my mind had to wander somewhere else. Like the bathroom.

As soon as I walked inside, I used the toilet. Then I went to the sink where I splashed some cold water onto my face and rinsed my mouth. I felt quite uncomfortable from the lack of hygiene my mouth was suffering. I wanted toothpaste and a tooth brush but instead I’d have to resort to hoping food would curb any possibilities of morning breath. God, I hoped my breath wasn’t bad. 

Accomplished, I left the bathroom and made my way back to Cisco who was still fast asleep. the only difference I could note was that his head had rolled to the opposite side but other than that he was just the same. I went to the chair beside him and sat down, not knowing what else to do with myself when waiting around at a hospital. Tired, I let my head roll onto his shoulder, the warmth immediately seeping through my hair and skull. If this was a normal day, I’d have slept a bit longer but today was anything but a normal day. Hence the reason I was still not fully rested. 

I’d have to wait here until Cisco woke up or some news came my way from the doctor. 

About a good half hour later, Cisco’s chest took a sharp intake, indicating a deeper breath from him. He must be waking up. The possibility made me smile because I wouldn’t have to simply lie here aimlessly for much longer. I stayed still, waiting to see if he’d wake up or not. 

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