Chapter 21 - Pure Instinct

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There was a knocking at the door and I knew Molly and Tina were here. The Fashion World event was tonight and since I hadn't known in advance, I had not prepared any clothes. For me or Cisco. For some reason, they thought they could help. I didn't doubt they would; Tina and Molly were fashion fairies. 

"Who is it?" Cisco asked, appearing from my right. He had still been in the kitchen, making some coffee since it was only morning. 

"Should be Molly and Tina," I answered even though I knew Cisco was aware that Molly and Tina were coming. "I'll look before opening," I assured, rolling my eyes in the process. He was such a worry wart. 

I looked through the peep hole and my assumption was confirmed. My cousin and friend were outside the door, waiting to be let in. 

"Remember to tell them what I told you," Cisco watched me, his eyes careful. I nodded and opened the door to be instantly enveloped into a familiar set of arms. 

"Hi," I chuckled, throwing my arms over Tina, too.

"How are you, honey?" Tina asked, smiling widely at me. She looked so happy to see me, I had to smile too.

"I'm good, Tina. Thanks."

"Yeah. So good you haven't called me!" 

"I'm sorry. I've been busy." I didn't know what else to say.

"Oh, baloney. You were free enough to invite Molly over. I feel abandoned," Tina pouted. I looked toward Molly for help but she simply winked. 

Tina wasn't really accusing me of anything yet I blushed in embarrassment. I knew she was right. I had made no effort to communicate with her or anyone else for that matter. If I spoke to anyone but Cisco it was usually because they called me first. 

It was unhealthy.

Cisco was quite the distraction.

"I'm, just teasing you, Mila. You've had a lot on your mind. Of course you'd want some space," she said softly, squeezing my hand in reassurance. If there was one thing I liked about Tina, it was her straightforwardness. She treated everyone the same. During these hard past months, she had never pitied me or treated me like a child. 

"Alright, my turn," Molly said, kissing my cheek and giving me a one-armed squeeze. Her other hand was holding two black sacs which I knew held the clothing for tonight. Hopefully, this would all be quick. But I had to get something out of the way.

“Tina, can you make sure not to let anyone know where I’m staying? I could use some peace. And privacy. Gossip usually spreads around fast and before I know it, someone is taking pictures of me when I leave the lobby,” I said. I didn’t direct the conversation to Molly since I had already spoken of this with her when she’d come over the first time. This was Cisco’s way of maintaining our privacy and state of mind. Letting others know of where I was staying was bound to attract trouble. Even if they already knew where I was staying, it was worth the try.

“You calling me a gossiper?” She challenged, lips pursed.


Tina chuckled. “Damn right. And don’t worry, sugar. Your location is safe with me. My lips are sealed. I nodded, hoping she’d keep true to her word. She usually did but this... was something that could easily slip out.

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