[CHAPTER-4]: Mission In The Subway

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Flashback 8 Years Ago...

The Raiders,Including Gakiro(2nd Raiders),are get brought a mission in Operation:Stinger Storm and battle againts the terrorists in the harbor.

Raiders 1(White): Take cover,Everyone!!

Raiders 2(White): Keep firing!!!

Raiders 3(White): I'm reloading!!!

However at 3 hour,all of Raiders including 1st Raiders,Agiri,are going down and blooded.

Gakiro try to help Agiri and give him a first aid.

Gakiro: Agiri,Hold on! I'll help you!!

Agiri: Kiro...Leave me....

Gakiro: No! I have to help you,I don't wanna leave you!!!

Agiri: Leave me!! Save yourself,The enemy would be coming! Leave!!

Gakiro: But i have to help-....

Agiri: This is a orders,Kiro!! LEAVE!!!

However Agiri being take shot by a some terrorists with green-hair using pistol and Agiri died.

Gakiro that seeing Agiri's death begin shout while calling her name,her tears is come flowed into the cheeks.

Gakiro: AGIRI-SAN!!!!!!

Flashback End...






Sweet&Cafe LycoReco

On the right morning,Gakiro in the black hoodie come in the LycoReco and meeting up with Mizuki and Chisato.

Gakiro: Good morning,Chisato-chan,Mizuki-chan.

Chisato/Mizuki: Good morning too,Gakiro!

Gakiro: Hahaha yeah but Where's Ryuza and Takina?

Mizuki: Ryuza are be go on deliver the goods to the customers,He's so excited.

Gakiro: Ah really? It's good,but i need to drink a cafe.

Chisato: Alright,Gakiro-kun! Sensei,make a cafe for Gakiro-kun!

Mika: I'm do it!

Chisato: Gakiro-kun,How are old you?

Gakiro: 20 old years...

Chisato: Wow Is older than me! So do you had a home?

Gakiro: No.

Chisato: Oh poor you.

Gakiro: Well i am live on the rental apartment with my older brother and nothing faraway of here.

Chisato: It's so close...Well can i visit your apartments?

Gakiro: Yeah,If had a time...

Chisato: YEAH!! Thank you,Gakiro-kun.

Gakiro: Haha yeah...(Blushed)

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