[CHAPTER-8]: The Works For LycoReco.

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Robota: He's get away!? You almost got beat him down right!

Majima: Yeah,Lycoris was knowing the locations. But is okay.

Men 1: Majima-san,do you wanna water?

Majima: Yeah,give it...

The mens begin to give a water to Majima and she drink it.

Majima: Raiders Alan...and Lycoris alan...It's an perfect....hahahaha






Sweet&Cafe LycoReco

Takina with Chisato,Mizuki,Kurumi,Mika,Gakiro and Ryuza are checking a finances of the cafe LycoReco were low downed.

Kurumi: Oh no,We're got bankrupt and lost of money.

Takina: The all of money was got runs out after adds it from the mission. What is a cost of this bullets and transportations?

Mizuki: We're got a some from DA. At the name,It's an activity of costs for Chisato as an Lycoris

Takina: This is too out of budgets.

Mizuki: This is Chisato's fault for take shoots using a expensive bullets.

Kurumi: Also a parfait. You're getting in action independentally But you using a cost of DA for that.

Gakiro: Wow,It's gone too far...

Ryuza: Using a costs of DA for do a bullshit like that,It's very shame.

Mizuki: You'll be dead if Kusunoki know this.

Chisato: Ah no,Don't talking that to me Mizuki. Kusunoki would be killing me if she know this.

Takina: It's okay,I'm would manages the finances of LycoReco At now!

Gakiro: Bingo!

Ryuza: Bingo...

(Skip Time)

On the some bar,Chisato and Takina with Gakiro and Ryuza defusing a bomb on there.

2 Baldguy: Hey,It's done. Get out of here and leaving the bar,Now!!

Takina: We're not leaving without the cash that you promise it.

Gakiro: Yeah,Give us a cash or i'll fuck down this place Including you all.

Chisato: Yeah Yeah,Let's do this...

Baldguy 2: (Pointing her pistols to them) So do you wanna this?

Gakiro: Ah shit...Don't harming my girl,baldy asshole!!

Seeing Chisato was being threats by she,Gakiro began to pulled out her tonfa and try to take them down.

However Chisato swiftly took out his pistol and attack them,He's take down his leg with her rubber bullets.

Baldguy 2: Brotha!

Takina see a bottle which is broke and flowed due of bullet strikes.

THE STORM FORCE(Lycoris Recoil x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now