VII. Deal with the Devil

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The night was dark and grim, despite all the holiday lights beaming throughout the frozen streets. I trekked my way down to the bar, dirty slush and snow crunching beneath my leather boots.

Upon entering the worn brick building, I was greeted by warmth and the joyous sounds of drunken chatter

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Upon entering the worn brick building, I was greeted by warmth and the joyous sounds of drunken chatter. The familiar environment brought me momentary comfort, but that all faded when I spotted Rhys quietly sitting at a dim-lit table towards the back of the venue.

I tossed my gaze towards the shelves of alcohol behind the bar, and then at the chair positioned across from my ex-friend and newfound associate.

I should've pregamed this.

Confidently, I strode over to Rhys, determined to hide any sign of fear or hesitancy. I then sat down across from the shadowy, dark-haired male, folding my ice-cold hands in my lap.

"Ianthe, a pleasure," his grin was cruel, deceiving.

"Just tell me what I need to do."

"Straight to the point, you didn't even ask me how my day was," he clicked his tongue. I didn't have time for these games.

"I don't give a fuck about your or your day, you murderous bastard. Again, just tell me what I need to do."

Rhy chuckled, his gleaming smile and piercing eyes conveying a darkness I could not understand. I never understood what happened to friend—why or how he'd become this person.

"Christmas Eve is when the festivities will begin."

"Seriously? That's gonna be a happy fucking holiday for everyone," I huffed, already regretting the actions I hadn't yet committed.

Rhys only smirked.

"After sneaking my men and I into the facility, getting us disguises, and distributing us where you know guards are posted, you, with your granted security access will calmly slip into the control room under the guise that you got turned around

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"After sneaking my men and I into the facility, getting us disguises, and distributing us where you know guards are posted, you, with your granted security access will calmly slip into the control room under the guise that you got turned around...with me—acting as a patient. I will then take out the guards, as will the rest of my men who will be prowling the premises in disguises provided by none other than your lovely self. From there, we will disarm the locked doors and make our way to the high security ward to rescue your little boyfriend and my boss."

"Why all the theatrics? Sounds like you have a lot of men and arms, why don't you just burst in move by force?"

"You don't know a damn thing, huh?"

I snorted. "Sorry, I'm not a criminal."

"You will be, after this." Rhys' eyes danced in the dim light, brown flecks of malice swirling in his irises.

That hit me. I was about to do something terrible and selfish—I was about to aid in the breakout of one of the worst criminals just to save another; one that I loved.

I remained silent and waited for Rhys to continue explaining his treasonous plan.

"Even with most individuals home on Christmas Eve, Arkham would still be too heavily guarded for a forceful break in. We would quickly be apprehended, so we need someone on the inside, which happens to be you, darling. You'll have this next week to scope the usual guard rotations, positioning, hidden entrances, control room, etcetera, and also obtain the patient clothing that my men and I will be disguising ourselves in. Once you've done so, you'll get back in contact with me that way I can throughly build the plan layabout and relay the message to the others. Then we'll strike."

"And what after? What of me? What good does this do if I get sent to prison for my crimes anyway?"

"You will be protected. My boss, that conniving clown, has connections in the court. That's how he got Scarecrow locked up, after all. You don't have to worry about being reprimanded. The evidence will be destroyed anyway."

A deep, void-like pit amassed itself in my chest. Was I really about to go through with this?


Rhys beamed. "You in?"

My heart raced, further ripping the void that was already forming—the guilt.

"I'm in."

"Great. We'll be in touch." The tall, dark man suddenly stood and strode away from the table, hands in his pockets. I was terrified by how casual he looked, as if he wasn't the devil that I just made a deal with.

The rest of the week, I did what I was instructed to.

Trying to be as inconspicuous as possible, I would casually note the guard posts, when they seemed to switch, and how many there were as I would make my rounds. I also started collecting outfits from the laundry, only taking a couple of pieces at a time and acting like I was helping the maid-staff and CNA's with stocking patient rooms with clothes. I would then stash them in my locker in the break room.

What I had yet to do was find the control room. I knew it would be tucked away somewhere, but Arkham was so big that I couldn't imagine where. It would take me far too long to search the whole building. I had to think of something else.

Suddenly, I had an idea.

I approached one of the guards, purposely choosing a younger, more friendly one I had seen patrolling the entry hallway.

"Hi sir," I began, using every ounce of charm that I could

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"Hi sir," I began, using every ounce of charm that I could. I flashed him my badge, "I'm a Client Case Notation Specialist, and I'm needing to access the security footage of a meeting with one of my clients so I can redo my notes on them for a wellness report. Could you direct me to the Control Room so I could directly request the footage? I would send an email, but it's urgent. I thought maybe you could help me as my supervisor is busy."

And just like that, the guard told me where the room was. He unfortunately couldn't guide me there, but I had all the information I needed, and obtaining it was much easier than I expected it to be.

Now I had to hand all this information over to Rhys.

Within Arkham's Walls V. II: Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow and Joker x OC FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now