1. Thriller

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It was a dumb decision. A very dumb one really but Sera could not help it. It was ten pm and the streets were dark except for a soft yet dull glow from the street lamps scattered around the road she was walking. It was completely empty of people, nothing but the gentle cold breeze keeping her company on her journey to the convenience store so she could buy the Skittles she was desperately craving.

Sera did not classify herself as a night owl typically, she would usually be in her pajamas and tucked in bed by nine, but today was Saturday, and she did not want to waste her free day by sleeping early. So, she spent it watching serial killer documentaries, and when she decided to switch up activities a little, she decided scrolling on social media while listening to Thriller by Michael Jackson was just the cherry on top to finish the day off.

She did not think this through, after all the frightening documentaries she watched, and after watching the Thriller music video that spooked her out when she was young, going out in this dark was not a very ideal idea.

Sera calmed her breathing and tried not to think about what she was watching all day. It was funny to her that people would start being hyper-aware of their surroundings after watching horror-related media. The sound of a cat rustling in a dumpster would be normal on any other day, but if you watched something terrifying that day, then it's definitely an axe murderer out to get you and there was no way you could convince your mind and body otherwise.

She tried walking as fast as her legs could take her and stopped concentrating on any near voices or sounds so she would prevent herself from freaking out.

Skittles are worth it.

It like a mantra in her head as a form of distraction until she could see the distant light of the convenience store up ahead. She sped up and let out a deep breath of relief once she made it inside.

"Good evening!" She greeted a little too cheerfully to the girl sitting behind the counter who was too busy on her phone.

Sera quickly found what she was looking for and tried not to get too distracted by the other snacks displayed right next to the Skittles. She was sort of low on money lately after she quit her part-time job. Trying to avert her eyes from the KitKat, she didn't notice the person in front of her until she bumped into them softly.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" She laughed as she looked up at him. She was really laughing to try and lighten up the mood after bumping into him but it didn't seem to work as he kept staring at her blankly.

"Uh, I wasn't really looking..." Sera trailed off as she awkwardly looked back at him, he was so much taller and bigger that she felt intimidated by him in the small aisle, "Sorry." She mumbled and hastily made her way around him to the counter.

He is beautiful.

She thought as she paid the cashier. His eyes were a deep yet warm green, his shirt matched his eyes perfectly making them stand out even more. His brown slightly messy hair was a nice contrast with his eyes and olive skin. She didn't have more time to focus on more features but what she memorized was more than enough. He was breathtaking.

"Excuse me?" The cashier spoke louder and Sera realized she was talking to her.

"Oh, sorry." She quickly paid and left the store.

After she got out, she opened the bag of Skittles so it could soothe her worries even if a little on the journey back home. It was silly, what was she scared of? Zombies? Because they definitely don't exist and Sera is certain of that. It was serial killers that really frightened her, people who kill just for the sake of killing without having a reason to because she was also certain that she hadn't done anything to anyone that put her on their murder list.

She walked for a solid two minutes before she saw the reason she shouldn't have gone out this late at night. A stray dog stared at her in the middle of the road and she slowed her steps slowly so as to not startle it in any way. Sera has been terrified of dogs ever since she was young. She was fine with most animals and even adored cats but dogs were a big no for her.

She tried to keep calm and just pass him quietly but she was frozen up as the dog stared back at her. She inhaled deeply and exhaled softly, willing her legs to start moving but the minute she did, the dog did too. Her eyes widened as her heart was about to beat its way right out of her chest. What was she supposed to do if it came near her? If she started running, it would just start running after her and as much as Sera was confident in her running speed, she in no way thought she could outrun a dog.

The dog was getting nearer and nearer as Sera realized she was taking steps backward. She slightly whimpered as she tried to think of a way out of this without running but her mind was completely blank from the horror.

A small rock was thrown near the dog and it immediately ran away in the opposite direction, leaving Sera alone. She turned around suddenly and saw the man from earlier staring at her.

"Oh my god, thank you so much." She breathed heavily, unable to look him in the eyes.

"I uh I know it's silly but I've been scared of dogs since forever, my body just shuts down when I see one..." She was sure this stranger could care less about her fear of dogs but she couldn't stop her rambling, she was scared shitless.

"Thank you." She smiled.

She felt him inhale a sharp intake of breath, "It's okay." He said.

Holy, I can't breathe.

His voice was so deep that she almost felt it in the back of her neck. This man is not real. He just couldn't be.

He could probably choke you with his right bicep alone and a little pressure.

Shut up.

"What's your name?" He randomly asked with his eyes still on her. His stare was intense, it reminded her of a forest.

What a cliche, she thought. It was probably because his eyes were a dark and intense green, a forest green. His brown hair resembled a tree trunk. Question marks swirled around in her mind as she questioned her odd thoughts.

She felt slightly alarmed by him asking her name, but then again what could he possibly do with her name? She could tell him and then hurry home.

Plus, him knowing hers meant that she would know his. She smiled harder internally.

"Sera, what's yours?" She cringed slightly at her cheerful tone but she was giddy about knowing his.

"Rowan." His voice was hoarse slightly and he cleared his throat and coughed to cover it up.


"Um, I should go but thank you again, I really appreciate it." She clutched the Skittles bag tighter in her hands as she gave him her best smile.

She kept giggling on her way home this time, all thoughts of zombies and serial killers gone from her head and replaced by a green-eyed, intense, and muscular man who reminded her of a forest.

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