28. Family is Forever

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The Jazz music was finally off.

Yet a silence so uncomfortable replaced it. The only thing that could be heard on the dining table was the sound of cutlery. Sera didn't know which she preferred better, the awful Jazz music, or this awkwardness. The sisters and the mother would share brief glances at each other every now and then, but they would continue eating normally afterward. 

She had an urge to break the silence a few times, but she didn't know what to say. She was afraid that if and when the silence was broken, chaos would come into its place. After looking at her father a couple of times -he was very much interested in his food- she switched her gaze to Rowan who looked back at her after sensing her eyes on him. Her eyes were hesitant and afraid. Rowan probably sensed it so he smiled; his smile had some sort of humor in it, as if this situation was comical to him. It wasn't one of those sad smiles she was used to being given, the one that gave a fake promise of 'everything will be okay'. Rowan knew this was probably not okay and he was laughing about it, which caused Sera to stifle her own laugh. 

Rowan bumped his thigh with hers under the table in a sign to shut up. 

"Something funny?" Her father's voice broke the silence and their moment.

His eyes were switching their glare from her to Rowan slowly; calculating, suspicious. 

"No." She muttered, going back to her food.

"So, Rowan." He switched his entire demeanor. Rowan's attention turned to her father's at the head of the table.

"You run a gym?" His tone was humourous, almost mocking. 

Sera saw Rowan only smile at first, and then answer, "It's more than just a gym for physical training actually." He didn't elaborate, and Ronald didn't ask. Sera knew that her father knew what Rowan's job was, he was aware of Stay Driven and what they do.

"How did you meet my daughter?"

"She's an intern at my office." 

Ronald's eyes slowly dragged to Sera, his cold eyes sending chills all over her body. Her heart was beating abnormally fast.

"You got an internship at his office when your father owns a company?" 

That same silence lingered once again and Sera could tell now that she definitely preferred that horrid Jazz music. 

She took a deep breath before answering, "I wanted somewhere close, I still have my classes to attend." 

Ronald only hummed unbelievingly. 

"How old are you?" He asked after a moment and Sera felt her heart do a flip.

"29." Rowan didn't hesitate, not for a second.

Silence enveloped them yet again as Ronald kept staring at Rowan.

Killian suddenly cleared his throat, "I've seen some of your videos..."

He went on to continue with small talk to avert her father's attention from Rowan a little and Sera was thankful, but she couldn't focus properly on what they were saying. She was too nervous and in her head.

Everyone at the table soon joined in on the small talk and it seemed as if it all went back to normal for a moment. Sera knew better.

When they were done eating, Sera was hesitant to leave Rowan on his own and go help clean up but a subtle smile and a nod of his head eased her mind. She quickly gathered plates and took them to the kitchen. The sooner she's done with this, the sooner she'll be able to go back to him. She was too anxious to leave him alone with the men of her family.

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