5. Nerves

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Sera hated to admit it to anyone other than herself but she did pay extra attention to her appearance the next day. She wore light high-waisted jeans with an elegant black shirt, put on her nicest accessories, and took extra time with her makeup. She cringed slightly at her behavior after she was done.

So what if I wanted to look nice, and so what if my heart was in my throat because I was seeing him?

It's normal, he's good-looking.

She kept staring at herself in the mirror as she exhaled loudly. Her heart was beating so fast inside her chest that she was well aware of it, her stomach tightened uncomfortably, and her breathing was slightly heavier than normal.

It's okay, it's okay, it's okay.

Her phone beeped just as she was about to leave the door, she checked it on her way down the elevator.

Wessy: Wear a skirt!

Wessy: And put on the blusher that makes you glowy, focus on your mission!

Me: I'm blocking you.

The office was quiet when she made her way inside, and she suddenly felt cold from the AC. Sera smiled at the receptionist, greeting her.

"I'll tell Mr.Reed you're here."

Sera's stomach flipped. She didn't know whether Jamie or Rowan was her direct supervisor but she desperately hoped it would be forest man. Maybe if she spent more time with him, she would get used to his intensity and feel more comfortable eventually.

"He's waiting for you in his office." The receptionist smiled again and led her to his office.

It wasn't too far away from Jamie's but one could definitely tell these were the offices of the higher ups, there was a certain elegance to them. But then again, this entire building oozed elegance.

The receptionist, whose name Sera still didn't know, did Sera a favor by knocking on the door for her and left immediately after. Sera started panicking, looking around the hallway as if to look for help.

"Come in."

Holy mother of...

His voice definitely did something to her. Did that receptionist hear him talk all day? How could she handle it? Maybe she should ask her sometime.

Sera put her hand around the knob and reminded herself to breathe normally and everything would be fine.

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale

Choking on my spit.

Sera's breath caught in her throat as soon as Mr.Reed came into her view. He was sitting on his desk, leaning forward as he focused on a paper in front of him. Her eyes immediately went to his biceps that were bulging through his white dress shirt. The day was just starting and she already felt like it was too much intensity to handle.

"Good morning, Mr.Reed." If she didn't distract herself, she could stare at him all day.

Forest man looked up at her with the same intense gaze as before, his eyes sharp as if her presence made him alert. His lips parted as he took her in and Sera felt a slight change in expression, though she couldn't tell exactly what. She hastily walked to the middle of the room after closing the door.

"Good morning, Sera." He put his papers away and went back to looking at her. There was a moment of silence between them, she bit her lip nervously.

"I'll start off by giving you a tour of the place, and then we can sit down and discuss our social media pages." He started, avoiding eye contact as he explained.

"I can log you in to our accounts, and you'll look at our pages, see the style and image we're going for, maybe even edit some of the stuff you don't like, that's okay." Sera nodded her head eagerly, still noticing that he was looking anywhere but her.

"As we said before, you're free to post whenever you deem fit. Jamie and I will supervise the first few posts you make, and once you get used to it, you'll start posting on your own. Any questions?" He finished off.

Sera had the urge to listen to him talk all day, she was certain he could start an ASMR channel and he'd have a million subscribers in a month maximum.

As she didn't trust her ability to speak at that moment, Sera shook her head and mumbled a small 'no'. Apparently forest man felt amused by that, arching his brows in question.

"No, sir." She repeated.

"Great, are you ready?" He slowly got up from his chair and made his way around the desk.

Now that he was at his full height, Sera felt intimidated yet again by his broad build. She could probably sit on one of his shoulders comfortably and he wouldn't be affected by it. She shook her head at her silly thoughts and strained her neck looking up at him.

"Follow me."

I would literally follow you to the ends of the earth if you keep using that voice.

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