30. Evil

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Sera spent half an hour thinking about the tension between her and Rowan the other night. She felt like it was the perfect time for him to finally say something if he still felt anything for her. But he didn't. She felt like she was acting a bit delusional since the man already told her he can't be with her. Yet why was she still expecting?

After telling herself to get a grip, she got up to get ready for her classes. After all that happened and what he told her, she sure as hell wasn't going to be the one to tell him her feelings first. If he wanted something from her, he should say it. For now, she should just move on and live her life.

Yet that proved to be extremely difficult as Sera spent an entire two classes overthinking and analyzing each and every little move Rowan had done during that dinner. She felt as if she was going insane.

"He can't be this nice to every girl he knows, right?" She was in the midst of explaining the situation to Wes who listened carefully.

"I mean, does he spend the night at Clair's house randomly too?" She asked again, frustrated even with the idea of it.

"Hey guys." Allison's unusually chirpy voice met them from behind.

"Hey." Sera mumbled, still thinking about Rowan.

"What are you all chirpy for?" Wes asked, looking at her suspiciously.

"Chirpy?" Allison looked confused.

"Yeah, usually you'd look dead and grumpy." He clarified.

"Excuse me?" Allison asked, offended, while Sera hit him lightly on the arm.

"What?" He asked, "Did I lie?"

Ally kept glaring at him, "I'm not grumpy."


"No but seriously, did something happen?" Sera asked.

"Oh my god!" Ally exclaimed, "So you think I'm normally grumpy too?"

"Well, I wouldn't describe you as the happiest person." Sera explained apologetically.

"Fuck you both." Then she added, "But anyway, I have a date tonight."

Her announcement was met with two awkward blank faces. Wes was the first to look at Sera suspiciously with a knowing look on his face which Sera returned with a slightly open mouth.


"Marvin is not gonna be happy when he hears about this." Wes mumbled so only Sera could hear.

"What did you say?" Ally asked Wes, offended yet again.

Their exchange went completely unnoticed by Sera who could only tell that they have started fighting now. But the minute she heard 'date' and 'Marvin is not gonna be happy about it' an insane idea popped into her head and she immediately stood up.

"Oh my god." Neither of them saw or heard her, too focused on their fight.

"Wes, it's a brilliant idea!" She exclaimed, shaking his shoulders.

"Girl, are you okay?" He asked, trying to move away from her but Sera only kept doing her 'Disney villain evil laugh', not paying attention to them.

"Allison, thank you so so much. You're the smartest in our year, if not in this entire university." She hugged her tightly before she waved them both a quick goodbye and ran off somewhere.

"She's definitely on something."

She didn't know if it would work but she didn't have anything to lose. On the way to Stay Driven, she tried really hard not to get her hopes up too much, but her mind kept creating extremely unrealistic scenarios that she'd end up getting lost in.

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