3. Forest Man

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Sera put on her favorite skirt and styled it with a simple pale yellow shirt. Since Mr.Kolt hadn't told her what time to show up at their office, she decided to go right after her morning class ended.

The receptionist had told her to wait for a few minutes and she patiently sat in the seating area. She was feeling a little nervous but didn't admit it to Wes who sent her a good luck message an hour ago. There was nothing to be nervous about, she was just gonna talk about a few details about the internship with him and that's it.

What if it turned out to be an interview?

What if they asked me something and I stuttered?

Would they reject me on the spot or use the old 'we'll give you a call' excuse?

She realized she was bouncing her leg up and down nervously and stopped.

It'll be okay. You got this, It's just some silly questions.

She was so in her head that she didn't realize the door opening and was startled but the sudden sound. Mr.Kolt appeared and gave a big bright smile once his eyes connected with Sera's.

"Miss Wynn." He extended his hand as soon as he was in front of her.

Sera stood up and shook it, matching his smile with her own.

"Mr.Kolt, good morning."

"It's so nice of you to join us here, welcome, please follow me into the office." His smile was contagious that it made Sera want to squish his cheeks together and hug him, she opted for following him silently.

"I have to be honest with you, Sera, may I call you that?" He said with his back still to her, walking around to his desk.

"Of course." She was determined to have a smile battle with him, she was positive she would win.

"Please, sit down." He said as he did the same.

"My boss isn't here yet, so we'll just have to chat until he shows up. You don't mind, right?" It seems he read her mind regarding the smile battle because his dimples hadn't disappeared, not even once.

"Sure." She put one leg over the other and rested her hands in her lap, hoping he couldn't see how nervous she was.

"So you study marketing, what else? How would you describe yourself normally? Consider this a casual chat with a friend, I'm not interviewing you in any way." Jamie let out a soft laugh and she felt herself blush under his gaze, he was really kind.

"Okay, so I'm 21 and in my senior year," She cleared her throat as she went on, "I find marketing very interesting and my favorite thing about it is it gives you a chance to be creative and think outside the box while still following set and basic ground rules. Studying it for four year was wonderful, and I hope working in that field is just as amazing."

This was complete bullshit.

"Nice." He drawled out, his eyes studying her.

"I'm open to criticism, but not too much." She laughed and he followed.

"I mean I find myself better at accepting criticism when it's not very harsh." Was she starting to fuck up?

Jamie just nodded understandingly.

"I've been told I add a breath of fresh air to a workplace, so I hope I'll be able to do that here too if you give me the chance." She added a bright smile for maximum effect.

"You're already doing it." Jamie laughed.

Sera was about to continue when knocking came at the door, Jamie mumbled a quick 'come in'.

The door opened and the air was knocked out of her lungs as she stared at the man who entered. A light breeze swooshed into the room with him and it only added to his affect.

Forest man.

Forest man seemed startled when he saw Sera, his eyes met hers and his lips parted slightly. Sera gave him one of her signature smiles as she stared right back.

The way he ate up the room with his size was insane, it seemed so much smaller that he was here now. He was wearing a baby blue button-up shirt and navy blue trousers. His biceps bulging from underneath the shirt. Sera noticed he had a beard as opposed to the last time she saw him, or maybe she didn't notice if he had one in the dark. They only met for a few minutes after all. His eyes were still the same intense green, Sera felt like she was about to drown in them.

"Rowan, we were waiting for you." Jamie broke off Rowan's startled gaze.

"Yeah?" He gave a quick glance to Jamie before quickly going back to stare at Sera again.

"This is Sera Wynn, the intern I told you about." Jamie's voice seemed so distant at that moment, like the background TV shows you put on to fall asleep to.

"Sera, this is Rowan Reed, Stay Driven's CEO."

Holy shit.

Rowan extended his hand suddenly and Sera stood up to shake it.

"We've met before, actually." She found herself smiling at him.

"Oh, really?" She looked back at Jamie to find him looking at them with an evil smirk on his face.

"Yeah." They finally let go of each other's hands and Rowan's gaze moved from her to Jamie, turning into a glare.

"Anyway, now that our beloved boss is here, we can get right into the internship details, can't we?" Jamie moved enthusiastically from behind his desk, clapping his hands, he leaned against the front of it and smirked at them yet again.

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