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"The next time you flirt, at least find a good spot where no one can see you."
A loud yet angry voice from Jeonghan echoed through the hall.

I looked at him in agape comprehending what he meant. My gaze fell back to Wonwoo and then him realizing he assumed that we are flirting. Now, he's accusing us for something that we didn't do.

"Excuse me Jeonghan~ssi, but we are not flirting!" Defensive is an obvious description. I know, I sounded defensive and seeing that wicked smile right now means he didn't believe it. "I swear! We are not flirting!"

Jeonghan just smirked, taunting me with his dead locked gaze.

"Hyung, we are not flirting. Believe her." It was Wonwoo. Thank God, he finally talked. Surely, Jeonghan would believe him. "We were just hugging cause Elle's gonna leave. She needs to go back to Seoul today."

"Right!" I sheepishly smiled. "Wonwoo was just being a nice friend. You know."

"Oh really?" Jeonghan was about to talk but he stopped when he heard Hoshi's voice. 

"Is this the reason why you're carrying your luggage?"

I diverted my gaze to Hoshi and nodded . "Yeah, there's an emergency back home."

"Emergency?" Now, its Jeonghan. He's asking again.

I was about to make up some reasons but he suddenly took out his phone and called somebody. We all looked at him in confusion.

'Who the hell is he calling?'

"Hi, mom!" My eyes widen when I heard him. The heck!

Is he crazy?!

Literally, I am praying to all saints who's listening to me right now. Let him end that call or else we will be doomed. His members are not that smart but they are not stupid either. 

"Why is he calling his mom?" I heard Dino asked. I can see the others was as just confused and curious as him.

"Oh, really? She didn't tell me anything." He suddenly dropped his gaze at me. I can also feel the member's gaze on me. Oh gosh, I'm getting nauseous. "Yeah, I will. Don't worry mom. I'll talk to her about it. See you soon. Take care, love you."

This is too much to handle. We are in the hallway but I feel suffocated with everyone's gaze. Bet they will start asking me any minute now.

"Elle?" And Wonwoo is the first one. "I know this is impossible but, why is hyung looking at you---"

I did not hear his last words as Jeonghan suddenly took my luggage and pulled my hand to the elevator. I guess I was too occupied that I didn't notice that its open.

Once its closed, he threw my hand harshly and grabbed both of my arms forcing me to face him. "I told you last time not to make me jealous again, didn't I?" I swear I can feel his anger by the way he's holding me right now. I won't be surprised if I wake up tomorrow with a bruise.

"I just told you that we're not flirting! Let go of me! It was just a friendly hug for fucking sake. So please stop, Jeonghan. You're hurting me." I said as I tried pushing his hand away.

Maybe my words struck to him as he suddenly let go of me. "I'm sorry." He whispered, enough for me to hear him.

I did not say anything. I just waited and stared at him. He needs to calm down if he wants us to talk.

Thank goodness, he did after a short while.

"I believe mom already told you everything." I started to speak. "My parents has this habit of telling you about my whereabouts. Though, only just half of it was true." He turned to my side and stared at me.

"What do you mean? They told me to take you home. They said they need to talk to you as soon as possible."

"Well? Did they tell you that I failed?"
He did not answer. He just fucking stared with a worry in his eyes. Hell, I'm trying not to cry. I don't want to cry in front of him. But its hard.

"Did they tell you that they went to my school and found out that I got a detention? Where they thought I was failing because I got one?" I want to rant so bad and I'm taking this chance since Jeonghan was the only one who knows everything about my damn life. "They gave me the freedom to do what I want yet, they expect so much from me."

My tears started to fall and I couldn't care less if Jeonghan sees me like this. "I need to have a consistent high grades. I need to graduate with honors. I need to behave and live up to my name. I need to prove them that I can make them proud in the field I'm choosing. I need to do this, do that. I need to-- fuck it, I have to. I have to prove to them that painting is not just my passion. I love arts. I love what I'm doing. I want them to stop thinking that fine arts are only for those kids who don't want to succeed in life. I want them to see that this is what I want, Jeonghan. I want them to see that this is what makes me happy."

I covered my face with my hands trying to hide myself from crying.


"No, stop! Please don't feel sorry for me. I don't want to hate myself more."

But my words didn't made him stop. As he suddenly pulled me for an embrace. I didn't fight back. Instead, I took the chance and cried onto his arms.

Silence fell and I can only hear my sobs. Just then, I heard Jeonghan spoke. "I'm going to take you away from here for a while. Away from our parents. And away from the world were both living in." He uttered as he tightly hugged me more. "Will you trust me? Elly?"

I lightly pushed away from his embrace and looked at him. "Where are we going? You know my parents, Jeonghan. They'll get angry at me. Especially, my dad. He said he'll---"

"Shhhh... Just trust me. I will not let them take away something that you love to do. Don't worry about your parents. I'll talk to them later. " I closed my eyes as I felt his hand on my face. "Just come with me, please Elly."

As soon as I opened my eyes, I could see Jeonghan's sincerity and worry. He's waiting for my answer. The sparkles in his eyes bored to mine. I don't want to think that its him starting to open up his feelings. As I've been assuming a lot of times already and I always ended up hurting. But if this is a start or what, then I will take all the chances I could get. Because this is how much I love him.

"Okay, I'll go with you. To wherever it is." I chuckled. "But promise me, we will both talk to my parents. Not just you, but both of us."

He gave me a loop sided smile making my heart warm.  Seconds later, I felt his hands on each side of my face, pulling me closer to him. His breath lingered through me. And in a blink of an eye, he sealed our distance with a kiss.

Now, this is one of those kisses that I always dreamed about. Not forced, not unwanted, not a punishment. But, a kiss full of warmth and sincerity.


Thank you for waiting everyone! I really appreciate your support.

With love❤️


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