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Mikaella's POV

"Jeonghan?" I whispered in surprise unexpectedly glancing around covering my mouth. "What are you---"

"Hi stupid." He mocked with a sly smirk plastered on his face.

'Why does his voice sounds so angelic even if his words are kind of demonic?'

Even if the words that comes out from his mouth isn't the nicest, I still found myself falling more for him.

Jeonghan is the only person who makes me feel so lost. He's the only one who makes my heart flutter. At the same time, he's the only one who makes it cry. He's my husband yet he never acted like one. Since day one, he did not dare consider me as his wife. But above all things that he keeps on doing, ignoring me and treating me like a stranger, I still love him. I will not and never would deny it, although I doubt he would feel the same way like I do.

"Why are you here?" I asked him keeping my composure avoiding his gaze.

"You're not the only person whose allowed to come in this store." Good answer for my question then. Same old Jeonghan.

"I know, what I mean is that why are you here. You're not supposed to talk to me especially in public places. Your fans might be watching from afar." I told him getting wary of my surroundings.

Being beaten and dragged by his fans are the only thing I did not wish to experience. Even if I wanted to shout that we're legally married, I can't put myself and his career in a most dangerous situation.

"You look like a pig slurping those noodles on your own. So I thought it would be fun to disturb you." He snorted which earned a huge gasped from me. 

"I'm not  a pig!" I rumbled.

"Yes you are. Stupid pig." He teased before he turned his back and went to the other table where I bet his members were sitting.

That man really frustrates me sometimes. He loves to annoy me everytime he got his chance. I'm clearly not a pig. I was then a chubby girl during my teens. But when I reach in college, I lost much weight. My physical appearance was way more different from what I was before. 

I wonder if his members knew who I am. Looking back at them, they all just enjoyed eating their food without asking Jeonghan about our little conversation. They all seem unaware. Or are they?

I sat back to my chair and continued eating. I am hungry and I don't care if Jeonghan calls me a pig of the way I ate. I love him but it can't satisfy my hunger, only my favorite ramyun can. After a few minutes, I was finally done. I quickly cleaned my cup and threw it in the bin. Without taking a glance at Jeonghan nor his members, I immediately made my way out the store and walk back home.

Eversince we got married, we both parted ways. He continued his dream to become an idol while I pursued my college. Our marriage was a top secret. Only our families and my bestfriend knew about it. I was living alone at my apartment while he's staying at their dorm. Both of our parents understood our set-up. They did not complain anything about it and eventually respected our decision. Or should I say, Jeonghan's decision. If it was me, I would totally be glad to stay and live in the same roof with him for the rest of my life.

"Gosh look at you guys. You're shining despite the darkness filled around you." I mumbled looking up at the stars glimmering through the night sky. "I wish I was like you." 

I love star-gazing. I really do. That's why my painting is always about the night sky. The peace and serenity it brings despite darkness around it, hits my whole being differently.

"I am starting to think that the ramyun you ate has gotten to your head now. You literally looked like a lunatic, gazing at the sky with your mouth hanged open." I immediately turned my eyes to my side hearing someone suddenly spoke, only to find out that it was Jeonghan. "Close your mouth stupid. Your saliva is about to fall."

I immediately covered my mouth when I heard him and groaned realizing that he was just joking. Rolling my eyes at him, I continued to walk my way to my apartment. I decided to ignore him knowing that if I started to talk back, I would just clearly lose.

"Wow, you're ignoring me." He commented following me behind.

I did not spoke a single word and continued walking. Its not because I don't want to talk to him, its just that I don't want to look even more foolish than I was.

"Don't you have any money? Why did you buy such a small amount of food? Will it satisfy your fat body?" He chuckled obviously trying to annoy me more. 

"If you followed me here to ruin the rest of my night, please stop. I am not in the mood for your nonsense jokes." I muttered under my breath. He really doesn't care if his words are too much already.  He considers everything as a joke. As long as it is fun for him, he would care less about my feelings.

"I am not joking. I am asking you a question. Mom called me this afternoon and told me that she visited you in your apartment. You were not there and she found out that you're out of grocery stocks and stuff. So she asked me to check if you're still eating." My lips lifted at the thought of his words. Well, it was just for a short time. I was starting to feel my heart beat hearing the reason why he's following me but he cut my happiness shortly after hearing his last words. "But looking at you now stupid piggy, it looked like you ate more than three times a day. I guess I should tell mom not to worry about you. So she won't bother me too."

The words hit my nerves that it also pierced through my heart up to my brain down to my eyes and made my tears fell. He really can't keep his mouth shut. His body-shaming is too much for me to handle. 

"So piggy, don't you want to go back to the store and grab more foods?" I heard his footsteps behind me as he asked.

This is the first time he talked to me this long. He usually ignores my presence even if our family is there. Its very unusual, awkward and annoying at the same time. Its the first conversation that we had yet its the worst words that I've heard. 

"Tsk. Do you think you're being too much of yourself that you really dare to ignore me?" He suddenly said. "Don't be too high on yourself. You're----"

"Shut up you asshole!" I turned to face him getting furious as I keep hearing those absurd words from him. He's being too much. 

I am so mad that I can't help myself but cry. My tears keep on falling as I keep on stopping myself from bursting out my anger. Not even realizing how close we are standing in front of each other. All I could think about is that I want to smack his face. 

"Stop crying. You look so ugly." His breath that fanned through my face woke me up. My eyes went wide seeing how our face are now inches apart from each other. "I said stop crying Elly. It doesn't suit you."

Elly. He called me Elly. Its been 4 years since he called that. He made that nickname for me and said that he's the only one who's allowed to call me by that name. It was way before we got stuck into our marriage. Way before when we were still friends. I can't believe he didn't forgot about it.

I was getting lost at the moment of our closeness. After a few seconds, I felt him moved closer towards me causing our nose to meet. I blinked multiple times and tried to move back but Jeonghan quickly held my waist stopping me from moving. I was shocked at his sudden action, feeling the fireworks exploded in my system. My hands clenched on the either side of my hips when he suddenly tilted his face as his eyes were fixed on my lips. I found myself eyes closed waiting for his lips to meet mine. But as the time goes by, I did not felt anything. Instead I felt a piece of cloth on my nose, covering my whole mouth.

"Get yourself together piggy. I would never kiss a girl full of snot." 



Thank you for reading everyone! 


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