Chapter Fifteen

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He wasn't dead, the Mile man.

I had collapsed where he had let me go. Sitting on the ground I held onto the wound he had inflicted on me, watching the white-haired man lay on the ground. He couldn't move. Andres had shot him twice. Once in the back and another in his side. He was gritting his teeth in pain, taking deep and final breaths, until blood began spilling from his mouth.

Yet he didn't die. He was in pain. And so was I.

I watched Andres stand there in disbelief. He couldn't believe he had shot someone and I couldn't believe he hadn't missed.

But he was losing it. The pistol was shaking in his hand and he couldn't tear his eyes away from the mile man.

"Andres," I called, moaning in pain as I tried to lift myself off the ground.

"Andres, do you hear me." I tried again, feeling the blood spill between my fingers. I managed to stand, but I almost stumbled toward him, barely able to find my balance.

He dragged his eyes to me and true enough, I saw the madness. The unhinged, crazy madness that slowly takes over. He would lose himself this way. Having killed, having murdered someone would destroy him. He wouldn't come back from this. Whatever he thought he wanted, revenge or something worse, he was wrong. He couldn't bear it.

I took the gun from his hands as slowly as I could. He didn't fight me but only looked away. Staring blankly at his work.

We could all hear the Mile man's gasping breaths. He would die excruciatingly slow.

I joined their gaze, staring at him for only a few seconds before I raised the gun and fired. His breaths stopped immediately and his eyes glazed over. One more for a piece of my soul. 

Now death could only blame me. I was the sinner who had taken his life.

I looked back at Andres. He wrinkled his forehead and settled his grieving eyes on me.

"Thank you," I said with as much empathy as I could muster, raising my hand to offer him back the gun.

This transaction saved my life. He had saved my life without even knowing my name. He still had a chance to be good.

I frowned from the pain and remembered the rest. I hadn't even looked around to see who was left. How many we had lost already?

"My love." A young desperate voice called and suddenly I was breathing. Suddenly I woke up. The old me came to life and longing filled my heart.

I couldn't turn fast enough. A ghost was calling for me. My breath escaped me. He was there, Lau, my love. In chains. Beaten and starved he was standing there amongst the prisoners, watching me with eyes so big and anguished the whole world was forgotten. I could only see him. Only care for him.

"Lau," I whispered hoping I hadn't gone insane. That he was truly standing there calling for me. I stumbled forward, forgetting my pain. "Lau," I said again, still not believing he was right there. Tears ran down my face and suddenly he was right in front of me. Those big brown eyes beheld me once again and I felt so weak and vulnerable, ready to be taken in his arms.

"I came back for you," he whispered, raising his hands to whip a tear from my chin. The chains chimed. We had done this before and I had betrayed him. Not this time.

I closed my eyes as I felt his fingers on my face. He was actually here. I felt his warmth, through the cold I felt his warmth. He was alive, right here, with me, bringing me back to life. I exhaled a cry as I opened my eyes and saw him again. 

"You're here," I said so defeated.

"Yes, yes." He chuckled with joy, bringing my forehead to his. His thumb moved to my lips and he tilted my head upward, moving his lips forward. I wanted this. The kiss of life. He was mine and I was his.

The pain took over and before our lips could touch it forced me to break from him. Forced to remember. This was a fantasy. This wasn't the reality I once wanted it to be. It was still so dangerously enchanting and enticing. It would kill me. He was here and I no longer was. 

He frowned confused at my reaction, before scanning me wildly up and down. "You're injured." He stated concerned grabbing my arms.

"I am fine." I tried to reassure him with a smile. 

"You're bleeding." He said so lovingly worried I almost melted.  

"And you're in chains." I chuckled, finding absolutely none of it amusing. 

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