Chapter Thirty - Seven

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It was the breath of a chase. Winded. Ecstatic. Desperate. Very, very desperate. The stalkers high.

I couldn't run from this one. The mighty cat. The queen of the snow kingdom. The shadow on ice. The weight in the tree crowns.

I took slow steps back, fully aware of the hindrance that was my bound hands.

The beautiful animal snarled at me, showing its sharp teeth and I froze. It had its focus locked on me and I knew within one breath it would jump me. The trees shuffled above me and in a split second, I feared there were more.

But my focus remained ahead as I stared down the wild cat, desperately hoping maybe it would deem me a bigger threat and leave. But the snow leopards relied on stealth and this one had surely been following us for a while. Us...Was I finally alone?

I had time to weigh my options. Run? My bounds hands were a hindrance. Fight? No. Die?

It lunged and I jumped right, narrowly avoiding its sharp claws. It let out a sharp cry followed by a loud growl before it regained its focus fast, turning to try and jump me again. I ran back, trying desperately not to stumble. The snow made it hard, my fatigue made it harder. I heard it behind me, its speed far superior to mine and suddenly I felt a sharp pain on the back of my leg. I fell forward screaming as its claws bore down my skin.

I turned, throwing up my hands as it lunged at me. I felt the precise moment teeth meet flesh and my lungs exploded with another blood-curdling scream.

We fell back, grappling on the ground as I tried wrestling my arm free from its death jaw. I threw right and the motion made the leopard release its grip. Its eyes were on me with rapid speed and a wildness that wouldn't give up. It bared its teeth lunging for my face.

A swift tackle had the leopard tumbling to the left. Growling and sneering took over, intensifying within seconds.

I rolled over finding a wolf standing between me and the cat that swiftly got on all fours, hissing with all its might. Its head lowered but the icy eyes remained fast and steady, set on the wild dog. Suddenly and swiftly the target had moved from me. Now it was the bigger threat. The only hindrance between starvation and its next meal.

I could feel the blood spilling from my arms from the punctures, as I managed to clutch my arm tightly through my bounds hands. The pain had not even registered and I knew once the adrenaline passed it would be excruciating.

The wolf stood there lean, steady, ready, with a pelt as white as snow. Eyes locked ahead. Who could prove stronger by the sheer faith of sight? The leopard stalked weaker prey. It would follow for miles, deciding to attack when the prey wasn't looking. The teeth would sink in, locking around the throat until suffocation. Wolves were the same, they would follow the old or young for days. Patience being the strength. Though the cat was a lonely traveller, the wolf was not. 

Instantly shuffling came from all directions, eyes were on us, and teeth were showing. A pack of them had showed up. None had their eyes on me, only on the cat. She was outnumbered and I could tell she knew. The hairs on her back rose, and she tried taking one step back. A fatal mistake. 

The white wolf reacted, jumping forward. The leopard threw up its paws trying to catch the impact, drawing its sharp claws. But the wolf was fast and the first bite was in the leopard's neck. They rolled, the cat trying to claw as a defence, but the wolf's teeth sunk in again and the cat shrieked in pain. Using its back paws, it flipped the wolf over dragging itself onto its feet as the white dog was quick to regain footing. 

A howl sounded from my right, then from the left and soon they were all howling in a circle, enclosing me, the leopard, and the white wolf. Their leader, bloody, but standing strong. 

The leopard hissed and knowing its lack in strength and number it didn't hesitate as it turned to flee. 

A queen beaten by the king. 

Nobody followed as it disappeared through the trees, leaving red footprints. I was breathing hard. Their howls stopped one by one and eyes settled on me. I tensed up clutching my bloody arm. If they smelled it they would attack. What if they already smelt it? Had I traded in one predator for another or several others? This death would surely be a terrible one. Suddenly I wished for a bullet instead.

"Elora!" A desperate call shocked me out of my state of acceptance when a figure suddenly ran fearlessly through the circle of dogs. He ran up spreading his arms out wide, using his body to shield me.

"Stay behind me." He growled bravely, settling his fearless eyes on the crowd. Eyes that would for sure fight to the death protecting me. Eyes I thought I had lost.

"Son of a bitch." I whispered furiously. My lovely ghost. 

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