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I woke up being on Max's arms, we were out last night and I ended up having sex with him and he slept to my bed

"Good Morning babe" Max kissed my head and I just smiled a bit

"Good Morning" I said laughing and I sat with the sheets on my chest

"Slept well?" Max asked leaning against his elbow

"Yes" I said smiling not really remembering what happened last night, only that I was drinking because I was mad with my dad that he never showed up

"Okay" Max kissed my lips gently "are you going home?"

"Yes! Everything are prepared in my apartment in Monaco and I'll go there!" I replied

"What will you do? You ended school last June and you said maybe you'll study something" Max said and I smiled

"I'll start from August studying in University of Monaco, architecture" I said smiling "I think it's the only thing I can think!"

"Good luck with that then" Max winked at me and he stood up to wear clothes

I wore more comfortable clothes and I got ready go to the airport with Max and Lando, we'll travel in Monaco with Max's private jet

"What is going on between you two?" Lando asked looking at us "I know Michaela better that her own mother!"

"Nothing" I answered nervously and I grabbed my book

I read some pages and then I found myself sleeping on Lando's shoulder

We arrived a few hours later in Nice and then a car took us to our apartments, I was living in the same building as Lando and Max just a bit away from us

"Tell me" Lando said as we arrived in the door of my apartment

"We had sex again" I said and Lando let a scream

"I thought you had a crush on Lewis" Lando said

"Yes I do have a crush on Lewis but without the romantic way" I unlocked the door of my apartment and I walked in the apartment with Lando walking after me "what do you want?"

"Tell Lewis that you have a crush on him!" Lando said proudly

"Lando!" I turned to him "he's 20 years older than me!"

"19" Lando said smiling

"I can't go and have sex or anything with him because I just have a crush on him! My dad will kill me! And you!" I walked into the bathroom to wash my hands and Lando kept following me "What?"

"Please!" Lando said with puppy eyes and he washed his hands with me

"Give me some space!" I said madly

"What did I do?" Lando asked

"Let me wash my hands" I pushed him away with my one hip

"Sorry" Lando said smiling "Just tell Lewis go out"

"No" I grabbed the towel "that's won't happen"


At night I did the application for University of Monaco to study architecture, Lando brought me back my dog, Otto, a Siberian Husky from the dog's hotel that was all the days I was in Bahrain

I got a text from Lewis

Lewis Hamilton

Hey! Are you in Monaco?

Hey! Yes chilling on the couch of my house!

What about a movie Maratha on at my house?

That sounds really really good!

I'll wait for you! The address is

Good! I'll be there soon!


As Lewis opened the door of his apartment Roscoe walked to me to pet him but as I petted his belly Otto barked sad

"You are my favourite boy" I kissed my dog's head

"Hey" Lewis said smiling and I stand up to look at him

"Hey" I said smiling "he's cute!"

"I told you peach! He loves you!" Lewis said laughing "come in"

I walked into his house with Otto next to me

"And who's that beautiful boy?" Lewis asked petted Otto's head

"That's my husky, Otto" I said laughing

"Welcome Otto" Lewis said laughing "I have so many ideas for movies"

We sat on the couch

"I love Jennifer Aniston" I said smiling

"So we can watch her movies if you want! As many as we can!" Lewis grabbed the TV remote "I hope Netflix and Disney Plus have her movies"

During "Murder Mystery" Lewis grabbed me closer to him make me lean against his chest and a smile appeared on my face

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