T H I R T Y - O N E

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Sebastian and Hanna came from Switzerland and Lando is calling all the time asking about Michaela

I am sitting in a corner waiting for the doctor

Someone dare to touch her and he's going to regret his life

Someone raped her and she lost our baby

Michaela has internal bleeding and we're waiting for the news, doctor says she's doing good but I want to watch her blue eyes

I felt someone walking and I looked up

"Lewis Hamilton?" The woman asked and I nodded "I am detective Blanc from Monaco Police Department" she show me her badge "I would like to ask you some questions"

"Yeah sure" I stood up "Tell me"

"When was the last time you talked to the victim?" She asked

"In the morning, we were talking for almost an hour and then I had meetings, she said she had class at 11 and we didn't talk since then!" I replied

"Did you try communicating with her?" Detective asked

"Yes around 4 in the afternoon when I ended my meetings I was trying to call her but she wasn't answering! No one that has keys from our apartment was to Monaco so I asked from my boss leave and come here to Monaco to see how's she and yes" I sighed

"What did you find when you were to your apartment?" She asked

"The door was unlock, not opened, just locked! It was strange because Michaela never leaves the door unlocked when she's home alone! I walked to the apartment and her dog came to me and his body was shaken, I turned my head to left that the hallway is and I found Michaela against the wall with her eyes closed and blood around her! I didn't know why she had so much blood but then the doctor told me that she was pregnant and she aborted from the violence rape" I replied

"Sorry about that..." she said sad "Who else has the keys of your apartment?"

"Michaela's best friend, Lando, that he's in Singapore, my parents and my three siblings" I answered

"Good... I will come again to talk to Michaela about the situation! Wish her the best!" The detective left and I sat back

Sebastian came to me

"What happened?" He asked "I watched that she had a badge" he sat next to me

"She's a cop, the detective of Michaela's case! She asked questions" I answered

"Lewis if you want go to Singapore! Hanna and myself will stay here with Mikky!" Seb said

"No! I'm not going anywhere until I'll watch her" I answered

Lando called me again and I walked a bit away to answer

"I talked with the neighbour! She's the biggest gossip person in Monaco! More gossip and Charles!" Lando said proudly "Two men around 3 in the afternoon got into your house! All black"

"And why she did not talk to the police?" I asked madly

"She said that she was afraid and if you ask me it's normal!" Lando said

"I need the camera footage from the entrance of the building! Can you take it?" I asked

"Let it to me! You'll know everything until night! Now stay there with my bestie!" Lando hanged up and I walked back to Seb

I was becoming more and more curious who men were to my apartment?

Why did they want from Michaela?

Maybe it was for me?

I started thinking the possibility of a baby

It would be fantastic! Two little legs running to the house with Roscoe and Senna!

I really wanted that baby and I would be so happy if those two bastards wouldn't hurt Michaela and now probably I knew that I was going to be a dad

Michaela would love that I know her! She loves the kids and she'll be an amazing mother!

But now I really need to place that thing in the door so we can watch who's knocking!

Maybe they knocked on the door and she just opened!

I just wish Lando find who the guys were and I can go, find them and punch them


Also day thank you for destroying my girlfriend

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