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Lewis stayed in the hotel and Christian came to pick me and go together in the FIA

"You need to be relaxed and don't care about the questions they'll make! We are totally legal" Christian said

I looked at the door of the room where my hearing will be then at my wide leg jeans placing my hands there and looking my blue nails

I can do it

It was my turn and I walked to the room

"Are you Miss Michaela Maria Emilia Adelheid Vettel?" The woman -the lawyer- asked

Why my parents named me like that?

"I am" I gave them a warm smile

"So, what do you know about the cost RedBull had the 2023 season for the two cars?" She asked again

"I have no idea how much money our team spent! These are questions that you can make to the economic department and I think that they have the legal documents to prove that" I replied

"Good" The lawyer wrote something to her papers and she looked at me "How the car feels compare to the other cars 18 cars of the grid?"

"I don't know I only drive my car" I replied

That was too Kimi quote

"Good" She said a bit madly "What do you believe about the big time gap between your car and Max Verstappen's car compare to the other 18?"

"We did amazing job to our car and the mechanics get us right to the track! We are absolutely happy with the domination of our car and we need to keep going like that!" I answered "So maybe we made better upgrades than Mercedes or Ferrari did"

The hearing ended an hour later and they asked me every question about the car and the cost of it

I was back to my hotel a few minutes later feeling absolutely tired

"Hello peach" Lewis kissed my head "Tell me everything"

"I need a shower firstly" I answered "Then you are going to learn what happened"

After the shower and change into my pyjamas I lay on the bed to explain to Lewis that he was laying as well what happened with the hearing

"I was so scared! I mean I didn't know what Christian did to the car and if he spent more money than the legal amount and I don't know" I said wanting to cry

"Don't be scared! We still don't know their decision! If it'll be against you specifically! You! I will do anything possible to help! Now start thinking positively and everything is gonna be alright" Lewis touched my hand "You have me now"

"I have you and I'm happy" I replied



The decision came this morning and it was good!

RedBull won't have any problems with the cost that we didn't overran

"Good Morning" I greeted my drivers as I got in the garage "How's going?"

"Good Morning Michaela" Hugh said and I smiled at him "I heard that your dad will be here this weekend!"

"Yes!" I said laughing "I'm so happy!"

I talked with my mechanics and then I walked in my room

I received a text from Lewis and I got panicked

It was a tweet

I took a deep breath and then I heard my door knocked

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I took a deep breath and then I heard my door knocked

"Come in" The door opened and it was Christian

"To my office, with Stefie! Now!" Christian was mad

He slammed the door and I grabbed my phone to call Stefie

"Stefie, Christian will uns" ("Christian wants us")

A few minutes later I was to Christian's office with Stefie and the Media Manager of RedBull, Paul

"You know why you are here, right?" Christian asked

I just nodded

"Is that true? I need to know that" Christian asked madly

"Yes" I looked down to my legs "it's true"

"Okay" Christian sighed "We need to handle this situation"

"I know" I said wanting to cry

"So you need to avoid all the questions they'll ask for you and Lewis! Just like no comment or laughing! To the press conference I think that be with Lewis will be better so the one will defend the other" Paul said "It's Monaco and we all need to be careful"

"we should have a meeting with Toto, Lewis, Lewis' PR and Mercedes Media Manager" Christian said and he stood up "I'm sure that Toto won't approve this relationship just like me"

"I can decide for my life Christian!" I said madly "And Toto knows!"

I walked out of the room slamming the door behind and I walked out of RedBull

Paparazzis and cameras appeared in front of me and I got panicked

Questions about Lewis and I were coming from everywhere I got panicked more

I couldn't even think anything

The next thing I remember was waking up to some known arms


"You okay peach?" Lewis asked as he watched I opened my eyes "You had a panic attack"

"I need to call my dad" I said trying to stand up but Lewis hold me back

"Your dad is with Toto and Christian trying to fix the things! He's a bit mad that you didn't tell him" Lewis said "But you'll two talk later!"

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