A New Beginning

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We all think that we are meant to be something special. That we'll change the world. Parents telling their kids they were going to accomplish great things.

What a damn lie!

I always thought I would become something. A famous soccor player, track-star, maybe an actress. But I soon came to realize that at my size that wasn't possible. I barely scrape 5'10 for a human, which isn't bad. Makes me seem intimiating for others, but it's giants that I have a problem with. My 5'10 heigth is just past four inches for a giant.

Confused? I'll give you a quick history lesson and remember what I say because I will not be repeating myself.

When human life came to be, the world was much different then it was today. It seemed that everyone was on equal footing. Life thrived for thousands of years, until a rogue astroid slammed into the earth, nearly wiping out all life and humanity along with it.

But life, being as stubborn as the hard rocks it came from, hung on. As things began to grow back on earth, animals and humans were growing back much larger. This was an evolutionary stage for humanity. Not all of it though.

Scientists aren't sure why a portion of humanity didn't progress like the rest. They think the reason is the astroid and some unknown space paritcals mixing with the human blood stream back in the day, stunting their progress.

Humans, however, progressed in their own way. They became more durible to the larger world. Their survival instincts spiked and with that so did their intelligents. Humans progressed in their own way and hid themselves from the world of giants.

Giants weren't all that interested in human though, similar to how humans weren't all that interested in monkeys. They considered humans to be a liablity and wanted nothing to do with them. Until human were labeled as exotic pets, just like monkeys, and only the wealthy could aquire one.

Giants would raid human nests (they call them nests rather then towns or homes because they are so disconnected from us) and take as many people as they could without care. Families were broken up, homes were destroyed, and lives were ruined. And they didn't care. They just stomp where ever they like and stuffed their fat grummy fingers in whatever building they could find without a care in the world.

Humans couldn't live in towns anymore. They were forced into harsher climates, deeper in forests or into mountainsand the market for exotic human pets became scarce.

That's were I come in.

I'm Caesar Matius and that's Ma-ty-us and not Mat-us or whatever. Not that you give a damn since you'll never remember it. Yeah, a girl named Caesar. So weird! So cool! So quirky! Yadda, yadda, yadda. Who cares! It's a name!

I'm the girl that thinks she's not like other girls. The typical blonde curly hair, ocean blue eyes, and maybe I'd be a little more tan if I were able to go outside more. There's no way in the shop keeper would allow that to happen. I'm like his price posession that he wants to get rid of, but can't because I cause so many problems for giants.

I've already been to several homes and given each of them hell for it too. I even got a couple to divorse each other cause I kept feeding into their paranoia about one other. There's was nothing going on between the two, but why should these giants get good lives while I have to live this hell they've created for me.

What does it matter though. I'm in this endless circle of torment. Kidnapped to be sold, only to be brought back, boughten again, and brought back. It's been going on since I was fourteen and I can't escape it either. Believe me, I tried.

The constant caging, leashing, playing dress-up for little girls' entertainment. To be called a pet and treated like I'm less simply because of my size? What did I do to deserve this damnation! It is because I simply exist? I didn't ask for this life!

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