The Past Pt. 1

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The redhead sits at the kitchen table, spinning the glass full of ice water around. Sam and I sit across from her. She has this blank expression on her face while staring at the water.

To be honest, it's a really good poker face. If she told me she was an eight foot tall platypus bear with purple wings and horns, I'd believe her without a doubt.

Samantha, on the other hand, has the wrath of the gods fueling her right now. Anger doesn't describe expression she has on her face nor does it explain the amount of negativity radiating off her either.

And here I am stuck in the middle of some family squabble that I know nothing about.

Daniel's comes into the dinning room again with another glass of water. He sets the glass down in front of Samantha.

Samantha breaks her deadly glare to look at Daniels. Most likely swearing at the man in her mind for letting her cousin in. Daniels on the other hand, doesn't care about her terrible attitude and nods over to Kyla, advising her to start talking.

Samantha lets out a huff of annoyance at the butler then turns her angry glare back to her cousin.

"Nice to see you, Sam." The redhead says nonchalantly.

Samantha tighten the grip on her arm and her jaw tightens. "I wish I could say the same for you."

The tension in the air tightens. Gods, I might as well be breathing through a plastic bag at this point. I wish I could do something about it.

Oh, wait...

"Sam just ask her what she's doing here." I tell the giantess. "I don't want to be stuck out here all night, watching you make angry eyes at the girl."

Samantha turns her angry glare towards me, but it has no effect on me. Not in a situation like this.

"Talk." I say more sternly this time.

Samantha is reluctant as usual. The boiling undertone of hatred towards the redhead across the table is really starting to piss me off. Then again, it'd be hypocritical of me to say I've never held a grudges against someone or outright refused to talk to them. Exhibit A, the last three chapters of this story.

How many of you forgot that I was narrating the story? I'll admit I did for a moment.

"I see you got a new human." Kyla points out, her red eyes never leaving the glass.

The skin under my palms tighten and the blood that flows underneath it turns into a rolling boil. Clearly talking about humans is a hot topic for Samantha. It's no surprise either.

"What do you want?" Samantha snaps.

The redhead watches as a single drop water slides down the glass and drips onto the table.

"Do you have any human medicine for the flu?" Kyla asks.

Samantha back in her chair and scoffs. "What do you need that for?"

The redhead rolls her eyes. The first emotional motion I've seen from the giantess tonight. "What do you think."

It doesn't matter to me if Kyla has a human or not. It doesn't shock, scare, and surprise me. Why would it?

Samantha says otherwise.

The huge teen jolts up from her chair, nearly toppling it as she does so. "You have a human!?"

The jump causes me to slip and fall from my perch on top of Samantha's shoulder. I quickly grab onto the shirt and dig my feet into Samantha's breast, so that I can clamber back onto the shoulder

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