The Morning After *mini chapter*

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I slowly come to the next morning. The sun is just rising with it's fresh morning rays slipping through the cracks in the blinds. I inhale a breath of fresh air and then exhale.

My hand leaves my chest and I reach for my phone on the nightstand. The tinies groan from under my chin catches my attention and a tiny hand wonders, looking for something warm to cover up the small body laying on my bust.

I rest my free hand on the girl and she quickly curls up close to the warmth, wrapping her arms around my thumb and pulling the digit in close. I have to bite my lip to keep the giddy feeling in my stomach from rising into my throat.

I scroll through my phone and find the camera. The angle is terrible and my dominate hand is busy keeping the little human warm, but I eventually find a way to snap the perfect photo. I was not ready for the flash to come on automadically.

All the air in my lunges freezes as I watch Caesar winse from the flash. Don't wake up. Don't wake up. Don't wake up.

She settles back into her comforting sleep and I release a sigh relief.

I open the picture and zoom. She's cute when she sleeps. Much better then when she's awake.

My experience with Caesar yesterday went terrible. I knew she'd be hard to handle, but this girl is wild. I'm surprised she hasn't died with all of her encounters with giants. Then again, I only know her vaguely. Hearing her say that I'm the only that's been kind to her in a long time is heart breaking.

For someone who has such a harsh attitude, she's really pretty.

I scroll around the picture and notice a slightly faded mark on the girl's collar bone. I zoom in a little more to investigate.

It's a scar. And an ugly one too.

I set the phone down, deciding to get a more personal look at the human.

As gently as possible, I curl my fingers under her body and slowly rollover onto my stomach. I set the girl down on the pillow, still allowing Caesar to hold onto my thumb.

I pluck the hem of shirt and lift it up. It's hard to keep the gasp from escaping my throat.

Scars. Small ones, big ones, perfectly slided ones and ugly jagged ones littler her body.

By the gods! Who would do this to her?!


My eyes go from the scars to the narrow blue eyes glare at me.

I instantly let go of the shirt and pretend like nothings out of the ordinary.

"You're up early." I say.

Caesar isn't having any of my nonsense.

"Pervert." She says as she pulls her shirt down.

"It's not like you were handsy all night." My response is weak to the core.

"And who put me there?"

I pout, knowing I have no argument.

Caesar smirks with saticfation. "That's what I thought."

She gets up, slides off the pillow and heads towards the edge of the bed. The edge where her home resides.

"Breakfast is at nine." I say.

Caesar gives me a thumbs-up without turning around and slides right off the bed.

Now that she's gone, I let my face fall into the pillow, thinking. What happened to her?

Published 12/29/2023

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