Dinner for one!

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I take my time walking back and forth in the living room. I try to think of ways to exit the house, but I didn't get much time to venture out passed the foyer, dinning room, or kitchen. And that stupid human-hating fanatic of a giantess, Veronica, screwed me over big time.

I shouldn't be surprised with how she treated me. That's how most giantesses are. All stuck up and selfish, acting like humans are the world's poison or something. That just pisses me off so much!

Three heavy thumps vibrate through the house in the wall. I look out one of the windows and see sleek, black high heels outside, waiting for me.

I walk to the door, completely forgetting that I had taken off my belt.

When trying to open the door, I nearly lose all the cool I have left when it doesn't open. All because of the stupid belt, collar, tracker thingy! By the gods, if I didn't have to deal with this thing in the first place then I'd have more time to find out where I can get out of here.

Once I have the belt, I'm able to open the door.

Samantha, wearing a long fluffled up black dress, is kneeling at my door. She's all dolled up with her hair curled, makeup done, and some red earrings to match her lipstick. She's...


Samantha's half smile widens into a toothy grin. "You know, I should carry you around to boost my confidence more."

My mouth clamps shut. I didn't know it fell open in the first place.

I cross my arms and huff. "What do you want?"

"I'm just wondering if you'd like to have dinner with Dad and I." Samantha explains with giddiness. "He's been away for a while and I figured it'd be nice if you met him before his next business trip."

This sounds more like a personal dinner and I'm just here for the ride. On top of that, I don't want to meet another giant for the rest of the day. A girl can only take so much.

"I'm not really in the mood to be knocked around by another giant or ogled at like an exotic animal in a cage." I say.

Samantha sighs. "Okay... I'll tell him you say hi though?"

"Not even that."

Samantha, looking wounded, leaves the conversation at that. Clearly, she's not going to get much out of me for the rest of the night. Hell, she'll be lucky, if she gets me to leave the house.

I watch silently as she walks out of the room then head into my own house to make dinner. I should take inventory of what I can and can't take with me once leaving this hell-scape.

Looking through the cupboards, drawers, cabinets, I notice that there is a lot of food and cook ware for just one person. It gets me thinking on whether I should be sharing this place with someone.

Veronica did say something about an accident with a previous human.

I doubt Samantha would have boughten me though if her first human didn't die or runoff or whatever. But the thought of this mysterious human accident raises more questions for me.

The only thing it answers though is why Samantha is so hellbent on keeping me safe.

I find the instant noodles and get a pot of water boiling on the stove. I sit at the bar, waiting for my noodles to cook.

Gotta find a way out of here. I tell myself. There has to be a loop hole in the system.

Then the strangest thought crosses my mind.

Is it even worth escaping?

It's a good question. I basically have everything I need. A bed, privacy, I can cook my own food, watch tv, wander wherever I like. I have everything except my own freedom.

Life is better with you! (remastered) (G/T story)Where stories live. Discover now