Heart to Heart (2/2)

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Enid's POV:

"It's lunch in about 6 minutes, Enid. Are you ready to talk to Wednesday?" Yoko asks as we sit in Herbology.

"Yeah, totally." I dryly scoff. "It's no biggie."

"It's okay to be nervous." She pats my shoulder and pulls me into a side hug.

"I'm.. I'm not." I smile.

Before she can say something else, the bell rings. We both pack up and walk out of the class, followed by Divina.

"So, what are you going to tell Wednesday?" Divina asks as she walks beside Yoko.

"I want to explain everything about how I feel about us and mostly about myself."

"So, it's a serious talk?" She questions.

"Yeah, I guess." I click my tongue. "Should I practice what I'll say or should I just improvise in the moment?"

"Just speak from the heart, Enid. Don't sweat it." Yoko reassures me.

"Okay, yeah – I'll do that."

"Are you gonna ask her out?" Divina asks.

"What? Of course not, Div."

Yoko and Div exchange glances as we walk, I sigh as we approach the hallway. We all stop walking and they look at me.

"Sooo, you'll talk to Wednesday." Div says as she looks up the stairs.

I nod, sighing through my smile.

"We'll see you later, text us the details." Yoko utters.

I nod once again, chuckling at her words.

"Good luck."

They both walk away, leaving me alone. I walk to my dorm, stopping before opening the door. I knock. The door opens, I'm welcomed by Wednesday's face as it opens wider.

"Greetings." She says, moving away to let me go through.

"Howdy." I try to grin at her.

I enter our dorm and she closes the door, following me into our balcony.

"What did you want to talk about, Sinclair?" She asks me as she stands beside me.

I lean over the railing, looking forward. Her head tilts to the side. She focuses on me, trying to maintain eye contact but I avoid her brown eyes.

The sun hides behind grey clouds, darkening the sky. I look down from the railing, watching students pass below us. I exhale.

"I really wanted to talk about us." I finally answer.

"I actually had something to say too."

My head turns to face her, our eyes interlock. She moves her head straight and looks up to see me.

"Oh, really?" I mutter. "What is it?"

My body fully faces her, she stays quiet as she steps closer. Her hand moves to mine and softly squeezes me. She looks down, sighing.

"Enid, I'm in love with you." She mumbles. She slowly turns her head up, her eyes meet mine through her bangs. Her deep brown eyes twinkle as she looks at me, awaiting an answer.

"Wednesday..." I whisper.

She notices my change of tone, she looks down once again. She lets go of my hand and she leans away, frowning.

"Wens, what I wanted to tell you is that I'm not ready to be with you. I'm not ready to come out to anyone, especially my family. I can't be with you. They expect me to marry a man and.. and start a family. If they found out that I loved you they would be.." I look away, gripping the railings, "they would be disappointed. They would hate me, Wednesday. I can't live like that."

"No one needs to know, I wouldn't mind keeping it secret." She desperately says.

"You say that now, but what about months into the relationship? You would get tired of hiding everything and my family will still keep on pressuring me on finding a boyfriend. They expect a mate from me."

She blankly stares at me, not uttering a word.

"Wens, I love you." I look at her but she looks away. "I love you dearly. This gnawing feeling eats me alive, Wednesday. It hurts loving you this much. It feels as if my heart could explode at any moment."

She takes a step back, still not looking at me. She keeps her head down – hiding behind her fringe. The sun finally shines through the clouds, almost blinding me with its powerful rays that clear the sky.

"Wednesday, I hope you understand my situation."

"I do, Sinclair. That's what pains me." She suddenly mutters. "You reject me yet I can't be mad at you. But rather I feel bad for you."

Her gaze trembles as she finally meets my eyes. The sunlight hits her hair, enlightening her dark strands.

"I wish you could give me one chance." Wednesday quietly utters.

"I can't." I say, stepping forward.

"You say you love me. But are you in love with me?" She asks.

"I can't be in love with you, Wednesday. You're not a boy."

I notice tears forming in her eyes, making my heart shatter. I move closer, slowly placing my hands on her shoulder while looking for approval. She flops into my arms, letting me wrap them around her.

"Please.." Her voice cracks, "stop saying that."

I comfort her in my embrace, hugging her tighter. She rests her cheek on my shoulder, her closed hands against my back; she avoids touching me. Her hands press harder against my back. I try to calm her down as I hear her heavy breathing.

"Enid, I love you." She quietly says with her shaky voice. "It destroys me that I can't have you. You're the first person I've ever fallen for."

"I'm so sorry, Wens." I kiss her forehead. "I love you, too."

She leans away, looking up to face me.

"Now what happens?" She asks, this time she's calm.

"I don't know.." I whisper.

"Can I.. kiss you?" Her gaze shifts to my lips. I slowly nod.

She grabs both sides of my face and pulls me into a soft kiss. A kiss that I craved for ever since our lips first met but I was too scared to make happen. A kiss that I should hate yet I love.

She pulls away, not moving far from my face. Her eyes still linger on my lips. I gently move my hands down to her waist and kiss her once again. My hands travel behind her lower back, wrapping my arms around her. The feeling of her soft lips against mine washes away my worries, I forget about everything that happened building up to this moment. I break the kiss and I lean away.

I smile at her but she turns her head to the side.

"I wish I could freely love you in another universe, Wednesday."

"Perhaps there will be a chance in this one."

Her eyes meet mine. Her cold gaze gradually softens as we silently stare at each other.

My head leans down, my lips meeting hers anew. She wraps her arms around my neck, pulling me closer to her. I feel her fingers tangle in my hair, massaging the back of my head.

"Enid?" A loud, surprised voice suddenly shouts.

I swiftly pull away from the kiss as I recognise the familiar voice. I turn to face the voice, Wednesday slowly turns too. My eyes widen at the sight of her.

"Mum?" I shakily ask.

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