How Could You Do This, Babe?

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a/n: yes the title is a taylor reference and yes it has to do with the chapter

Wednesday's POV:

The moonlight streaks shine through the circular window, its bright light enlightening the empty side of what was Enid's side of the dorm. The whole room is dark, the only source of light apart from the moonlit window is the dim light of the lamp next to me, atop my desk.

I rest my crossed arms on the wooden desk, resting my cheek on top of them. My eyes are focused on the bland wall by the side of the door; I deep down hope that Enid would enter that door at any second.


"Do not call me that." I demand as I hide my face in my arms.

"Okay, sorry." Yoko says as she closes my dorm door behind her. She walks over to me, leaning down to try to face me. "I heard from my mother that Enid has been homeschooled for these 6 months. All of her electronics were confiscated."

"Mmh." I mumble as I bury my face deeper into my arms.

"That explains her lack of communication." She states.

I stay silent, not answering her.

"And..." she coughs, clearing her voice. "I think she found someone else."

I pause.

"What?" I sit straight, looking at Yoko.

"Yeah," her tone softens, "they've been seeing each other for about... 2 months?"

"What?" I repeat, but this time my voice breaks.

She silently gulps, looking at me awkwardly.

"I'm sorry." She softly says.

I clench my jaw, suppressing every emotion that I feel in this very moment. My eyes shake as I look at Yoko, I slowly drop my gaze to stare at the floor.

"Are you okay?" She asks, clearly worried.

I slowly shake my head as I avoid her eyes.

"I'm very sorry, Wednesday." She mumbles. "I'm sure she has an explanation, you know, maybe this is a misund—"

"I need to be alone." I mutter.

She nods, I know she understands. She leaves the dorm and as soon as the door shuts my eyes fill with a mix of confusion and sorrow.

The thought of her with someone else breaks my heart; she broke her promise. She said she would come back for me, why would she lie? I can't help but wonder if every 'I love you' she said was empty, just like her stupid promise.

How could you do this to me, Sinclair?

The faint light of the lamp flickers until it turns off by itself, leaving me in the darkness of the night.

I sigh. The worst part is that I am not even mad at her; I do not hate her – not even a little. I am somehow relieved that she no longer has to torture herself for loving me. But unlike her, my soul will still feel the gnawing feeling of missing her every day that she isn't beside me. My heart will still flatter at the mention of her name, yet this time it will break me.

Though my, now, shallow heart still longs for her, it craves more of a proper explanation than I crave her golden heart loving me back.

I wish things were different than they are. I wish that I was a boy, perhaps she would love me the same gut-wrenching way that I love her. Maybe she could kiss me without having that guilty expression on her face. And maybe she could hold my hand without having to care for what the world has to say.

Maybe she wouldn't have left me to rot.

Sometimes I wonder if she thinks of me the same way I do, hoping to see her again, hoping to have her in my embrace. I guess she didn't.

I turn to face Enid's side of the dorm, the pure glaze of brightness from the moon enlighten the remains of her bed. This place feels smaller than it felt before when she was here. I truly do miss her.

I glance at the door. Please come back.

a/n: im very sorry for the short chapter but next chapter will hopefully be longer and VERY heartbreaking, so if you want it to be less sad, please bring this chapter to 20 votes or i will make the next chapter even worse!

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