Chapter 1 - Troublesome

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"Kiana! Why did you suddenly jump?!" I exclaimed.

"I only wanted to get closer to that thing!" Kiana defended her impulsive action.

"Shin-kun, please support Kiana. She can be reckless," Mei chimed in.

"Ah! That's mean, Mei-senpai!" Kiana pouted, clearly not pleased with Mei's comment.

This was precisely 30 minutes ago. Our mission was crucial: the Selene, a powerful Anti-Entropy battleship, was hurtling toward Sapphire, a metropolis with approximately 30 million inhabitants, and it was entirely unmanned.

The responsibility to gain control of the aircraft and prevent it from crashing into the city fell on the shoulders of St. Freya Valkyries - Kiana Kaslana, Raiden Mei, Bronya Zaychik, and myself. Instructor Murata Himeko was providing us guidance through our comms.

"Don't do anything reckless, idiot," I cautioned Kiana, giving her a stern look.

"Huh? Who're you calling an idiot!" Kiana retorted.

"It's you!"

"Huh!? You're more of an idiot than me!"

"You two are both acting like idiots," a deadpan voice interjected.

"Now, now, let's just get this done right?" Mei suggested, trying to diffuse the tension.

"Yes, Mei-senpai!" Kiana and I said in unison, before exchanging a competitive glare.

Allow me to introduce you to these remarkable girls:

First, there's Kiana Kaslana, the stubborn and boisterous one, with her messy white hair often tied into two big braids.

She exudes confidence and a hint of overconfidence, and she's known for her love of food.

I'll never forget the first time we met; she couldn't resist sneaking a bite of my lunch, setting the tone for our friendship.

Kiana was undeniably happy-go-lucky and believed she could conquer anything she set her mind to.

Then, we have the beautiful senpai, Raiden Mei. She's tall with long dark purple hair and striking indigo eyes.

Mei played the role of caretaker not only for Kiana but for the rest of us as well.

Her nurturing nature extended to her culinary skills, as she often prepared meals for the group, even packing lunches.

Mei had always been an outstanding student, consistently ranking in the top 3 for the initial written tests at St. Freya.

Mei was someone I greatly admired.

Lastly, there's Bronya Zaychik, a petite girl with light gray hair and darker gray eyes. Her distinctive haircut featured drill-shaped ponytails.

Bronya, a product of Project X-10, appeared emotionally stunted, often communicating with a deadpan tone and matching expression.

She rarely displayed empathy or aligned her actions with those of others.

However, despite her stoic demeanor, Bronya had a soft spot for the HOMU franchise, a side of her that occasionally shone through.

I couldn't forget the time I saw her carrying sets of HOMU merchandise into our classroom, a glimpse into her more whimsical side.

"Looks like everyone is here. Has anyone read the mission info?" The woman with fiery red hair announced as she approached the podium.

"Yes, Himeko-sensei," I responded promptly.

"Good, I will explain it within the next 5 minutes, so please listen carefully."

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