Chapter 47 - The Herrscher of Sexual Desire (2)

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Warning: Graphic Content Ahead

A/N: Before delving into the following text, we want to provide a cautionary note. The content ahead contains descriptions that some may find unsettling or distressing. 


As I rushed toward the girl, she suddenly produced a pocket knife from seemingly nowhere, forcing me to dodge her swinging blade and step back.

"A pocket knife?" I muttered in surprise.

She licked the blade menacingly and pointed it at me with a sinister grin. "I'll kill you," she hissed.

"We'll see about that!"

We charged at each other, and I managed to land a stab to her stomach. "You're just a human with corrupted Honkai energy... You still don't know how to control it, do you?!" But before I could withdraw my blade from her stomach,

she rose to her feet, unfazed by the wound, and prepared to counterattack.

I quickly leaped back into a defensive stance, preparing for her next move.

Huh? She didn't die?

"Shin!" Houraiji's voice called out drawing closer to me.

"Houraiji, I told you to stay back!"

"No! I have something important to say!"

But before she could continue, her movement was abruptly halted as her hair was ensnared by some unseen force, pulling her away from me.

A hair!?

"Houraiji!" I shouted, reaching out to her as she was dragged away by her.

I rushed towards the girl, driving my blade towards her throat, forcing her to release Houraiji. But to my astonishment, she rose to her feet once more, seemingly unfazed by the threat to her life.

Before I could react, she swung her blade, grazing my cheek and drawing blood. Gritting my teeth against the pain, I staggered back, clutching Houraiji's hands tightly as I pulled her away from the danger.

As we retreated, the girl began to wield her long hair as a weapon, using it to lash out at us. The strands were surprisingly resilient, making it difficult to evade or defend against her attacks.

This is bad... I didn't know she was that good at fighting!

Just then, Tsurugi's voice resonated in my mind, offering her insight. "She's the Herrscher of Sexual Desire, after all. She'll stop at nothing to achieve her desires. Selfish, wouldn't you agree?"

"She's incredibly selfish, but that's not how love works."

"Fufu~ Admirable sentiment, but words won't sway her. It's best to eliminate her, Shin."

"Shut your trap!"

"Hmph, Humans are the same breeds."

As I continued to evade the relentless assault of the Herrscher's hair, carrying Houraiji to safety, she spoke up.


I turned to her, "Yes, Houraiji?"

"I can see it..."

"What do you see?"

"The future..."

Huh? What is this girl suddenly spouting!?

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