10. Take My Hand

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Tyler's POV

7 Months later

After these past months, Rowan and I have gotten closer, even with Luna, and I was so happy to get to know them more.

We were in the 3rd week if September that means we have 4 weeks of fall break, I think other countries and states schools have 2 weeks off school but our school adds 2 more weeks, that is why I love Bridgewood High, it's the best here in San Fransisco.

And also, Hea and Kai joined our friend group making us 15, and they were also added to our group chat, they are so fun to be with and lively and also crazy like Rowan.

I have noticed that Timothy has been acting weird around me this past 7 months, especially when I'm with Rowan, and I don't know why and anything i ask him he will just tell me, "it is nothing" when it is definitely something but I must know why he has been acting like that, I will ask him today and he must tell me.

No matter what...

All 15 of us went to a ice skating rink that just opened, the place was huge so people were packed in, I have always loved ice skating, my family and I will always find a ice skating rink and we would go there on a weekly basis and I love anything that has to do with skating or has skating in their name.

After the others had put on their skating shoes they went straight to the rink and started skating and I put on my own and stood up from the where I was sitting I was walking to join the others when I noticed Rowan wasn't with them and as I turned to my right I saw him sitting on one of the benches with his skates on but did not move and I walked towards him.

"Hey, you coming?" I asked him as I sat next to him.

"Yeah, go ahead, I'm right behind you Ty". He said as I looked at his hand and noticed he was gripping hard on the bench they were sitting on.

"Hey, are you okay, Row?" I said curiously looking at him.

"Yeah, I am I'm-i'm not just used to this". He chuckled slightly.


"No, it's fine, I can do it". He said as I looked at the others having fun and I looked back at him.

"Hey look at me". He looked at me and I saw a bit of fear in his eyes then I held his hand which was firmly gripped to the bench and I felt his hand loosen a bit. "It's okay to be afraid but you don't have to let it win okay, just breathe in and breathe out". I told him as he slowly breathe in and breathe out.

"Okay, I'm okay thanks". He smiled and then I stood up and stretched my hand to him as he looked at me confused.

"Take my hand". He was still confused. "I know that this looks awkward so just take my hand". We both laughed and he placed his hand on mine and I felt a little spark enter my body and I held his hand and we both entered the rink to join the others.

Rowan didn't know how to ice skate at all and he kept on falling on his butt, Luna was literally laughing at him so I decided to meet him and help him out.

"I told you, I ain't used to this". He said getting up from the floor.

"That is why you have me". I took his hand and started skating as he stopped me.

"Hey, um what are you doing?" He asked looking around.

"I'm helping, Rowan".


"But you can do this, if you can trust me". I cut him off before he says anything else. "Come on, you can trust me, I won't let you down... Like let you down on your butt".

"Fine let's fucking ice skate". He said as I didn't even waste time I dragged him with me and started skating.

"Look at me, look at me... You looking? don't look at them focus on me". He focused on me. "Now focus on my leg, left right, left right". I said as he began doing it he was starting to get it.

"The blades are too tiny". He said almost tripping but gained stamina.

"And if they aren't tiny, it wouldn't be any fun". He rolled his eyes.

After 30 minutes, he got better at it then I left his hand to him to do it on his own, and he skate after 30 minutes of almost tripping and landing face flat, all of them were shocked especially Luna, she started competing with him for no fucking reason.

I got tired so I left the rink and I ordered a milkshake and one Hot Dog, after taking off the skates, and putting on my jordans.

I sat on one of the empty table and began eating, I haven't eaten this past 2 weeks because I had no appetite to eat any food and I lost a little weight from not eating my Mom and Dad had told me to eat but I didn't, so let me just eat this hot dog and drink this milkshake, at least something will be in my stomach.

I didn't tell any of my friends because I don't want them to start worrying, so yeah...

After sometime Kayla, Evelyn, Caleb, Kyle and Leo had left the rink, and I knew why because their legs were shaking, like fishes that just came out of water I was just laughing at them.

"Haha, very funny". Kayla said.

"My legs are not meant for skating, believe me, they are not". Evelyn said holding Kyle's hand, then they quickly sat on the benches taking off the skates as Caleb shouted.

"Freedom, my legs can finally breathe". Caleb stretched his leg out of comfort.

"Hey, Tyler what are you eating? it looks interesting". Caleb asked putting on his shoe.

"Just hot dog, you can have this half if you wanna". He rushed to where I was sitting stuffing the hot dog inside his mouth and he was about to take my milkshake when slapped his hands. "They have them right there, go get your own". I said and he quickly went to where I bought what I was eating.

I turned my focus back on the rink, when I saw Timothy, Scarlett, and Mia coming, then I knew it was time to interrogate him.

The others that left the rink where ordering something to eat while Scarlett, Mia and Timothy were wearing their shoes and as soon as he wore his own and tied the laces I went straight to him.

"Hey, Ty". Scarlett said.

"Hey guys, did you have fun?" I asked.

"Yeah, we did, thanks for bringing us". Mia said.

"That's good, um Timothy". He was shocked when I called his name. "Can I talk with you for a minute?" I said stretching my hand towards him.

"Huh, yeah sure". He said nervously as he held my hand and I intertwine our fingers leaving him in shock.

Now I will ask him why he has been avoiding me and why he has been acting weird around me, it's the right thing a friend will do, it is what I should do.

Now I will ask him why he has been avoiding me and why he has been acting weird around me, it's the right thing a friend will do, it is what I should do

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