25. Your Son, He is Awake

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Tyler's POV

Continuation of the flashback...

I was hearing a beeping sound and my body felt so sore that I couldn't move, then I slowly opened my eyes as a bright light hit my eyes as I felt a small pain.

I scanned the room as the room but my mind couldn't think at the moment.

I heard a door open as I saw a lady walk in and as soon as she saw me, she gasp with shock on her face and ran out of the room.

I wanted to sit on the bed but my body was too weak to move.

Then it hit me, I am in an hospital, how and why was I in the hospital, I couldn't remember.

Kayla's POV

Luna has been bothering Kayla of why she worries about Tyler so much, that she can never leave him for two seconds the first time she met her.

And after a long time of asking, Kayla finally agreed to tell her, the same thing time Tyler was telling Rowan.

Kayla's flashback
A year ago

Mom and dad haven't been happy since, they go to work sad and come back sad but why wouldn't they be, they almost lost their son, their only son, I almost lost my only brother, my twin, the pain would have been too much to bare.

"Dad, Star dinner is set." I said with no joy on my face at all as they walked to the dining and sat down.

It was a round table and it had 5 chairs, as all sat down on our normal sitting chairs, but when I turned to right, the chair was empty, Tyler wasn't there, it felt so weird, it was like a part of me was empty and nothing could ever fill up that emptiness.

"Let us pray." We all held each other hands but Tyler wasn't there to hold my hand anymore.

After my dad prayed and we said Amen, the silence was so much that the only thing that was loud was the spoons and forks clashing with the ceramic plates.

"I miss Tyler." Star said as she started crying.

I almost cried watching her but I told myself I won't cry again, that he will wake up and everything will be alright.

"We all do Star, don't worry you'll see him very soon." My mom said rubbing her back.

My dads phone began to ring, as he brought it out of his pocket and was shocked to look at the number that called him.

"Dad, what's wrong?" I asked him.

"The hospital Tyler's in, they're calling me." He said as my heart dropped.

"Put it on speaker." My mom said as my dad answered the call and put it on speaker.

"Hello" he said after answering.

"Ah, Mr. Simmons, it's great to hear your voice again." The doctor said over the phone.

"Yes, you too... So why did you call me? Is there any problem?" Dad asked.

"No not at all, um are you with your family right now Mr. Simmons?" He asked.

"Yes, yes I am?" Dad responded quickly.

"Okay, 15 minutes ago one of the nurses walked into Tyler's room and she ran to me and told me his eyes are open." The doctor said as my mom and dad looked at each other as tears started to form in their eyes.

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