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       Once again , how Sonam , Jung and Jun Hee tease Caleb reminds me of how seventeen picks on Dino it's adorable and hilarious 😂😂 to Caleb , Jung , Sonam and Yuki are his Hyungs and Jun Hee noona.


.So-nam had spent four hours of his evening cramming his studies , it wasn't that he was trying to force himself to remember but mainly because of everything relating to the three evil spirits he knew studying wasn't going to be easy so he had to store and file  his course studies in another part of his brain so it could be recalled later.

                 That morning , he received a call from Jung stating Motak had invited them to hazing and So-nam couldn't resist not going , the training was basically initation to the team.

                  "Two years ago , I trained the young So Mun and So-nam here ,to grow into the uncanny counters they are today. It was me , Ga Motak. "  Motak gloated to an impressed Jeok Bong, the divine counters particularly Yuki looked bored. They were all donning the red track suit.

                    "Is he always over the top?" Jung whispered to So-nam who sighed

                 "Not really." He muttered , besides , Hana and Ms Chu were just as instrumental in training both him and So Mun so the uncanny divine counter didn't know why Motak was giving himself so much credit.

               "That means !" Motak pointed his ruler at Jeok Bong and a bored  Caleb who was texting on his phone.

          "Aish," Jun Hee glared at him cleaning her ear with her pinkie  , "does he need to shout."

                    Motak went on with his speech at the rookies , "you two can also become uncanny and surpass them." So-nam rose a skeptical brow at his mentor while Yuki leaned against a pole sliently watching.

                      "Me?" Jeok Bong pointed at himself with an excited emotion clearly sketched on his face , "do you think I...we can do it."

                      Caleb snorted, "I doubt that." It wasn't even because of lack of confidence , the rooky divine counter hardly believed he nor Jeok Bong could reach So-nam and Mun's level respectively.

              "Sonam?" Jung addressed him as Motak went on explaining the ropes to Jeok Bong and Caleb.

          Sonam flashed a friendly grin at Jung , "yeah?"

            Jung fidgeted with his fingers trying to find the right words , "how long have you known Hana?"

                 So-nam was expecting this question , he hid his grin and pretended to be oblivious,  "two years , before I teamed up with them I used to come to Eonni's. Hana really didn't like me much then. Fond memories." That seemed like forever go when all Hana used to do was glare at him.

                      Jung nodded and scratched his neck , "so you two are super close now."

                 "Hana and I are best friends. Nothing else."  He said trying to avoid any misunderstanding his friend might develop .

                Jung sighed and patted So-nam's shoulder gratefully , "thank goodness. I think I have a crush on Do Hana."

                So-nam patted his shoulder too , "I wish you good luck. Hana is a tough cookie."

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