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In the ruins of the Outer City Library, Susie and her Quest Apprentices once encountered a three-headed dog of hell that had been spiritualized. Live (?) Although he was transformed into an undead, he still did not lose his demonic characteristics, and even advanced in the direction of the Abyss Guard after being provoked.

You must know that although they belong to the same evil camp, the undead and the black magic are actually like Cantonese mooncakes and snowy mooncakes, which are essentially two different things. To use a not-so-apt analogy, this is the equivalent of taking salted rice dumplings and dipping them in honey and sugar, and the result is delicious, and at the end you can pour some sweet and spicy sauce to season it perfectly.

From this point of view, the magician named Darwin did live up to his name.

In the face of such a completely unreasonable outcome, the dossier mage usually looks for useful information from the past texts, the alchemist chooses to reason boldly and argue carefully, and the Silencer faction is more enthusiastic and unrestrained, and they are more willing to try it first.

Especially the young people who are so bold that the little park in the Silent Tower is burned down every three days.

...... There is a reason why most of the mages from the Silent Tower have relatively high combat effectiveness, and those who are not lucky enough and strong enough are afraid that they will be killed by themselves and their companions before they grow up.

After seven successive failures, the young duet creatively introduced an unprecedented new variable into their experiments: the element of light.

The results are outstanding.

After purifying the two test subjects and adjusting the light elemental concentration repeatedly, they made new progress: the summoned demon finally did not lose control after being undead, but completely went berserk at the moment of the contract transfer.

The next moment, the rampaging undead demon was burned clean by the rampaging white-robed mage. With the appearance of the white-robed mage beating his chest and feet, he seemed to want to purify the two initiators together.

...... Then the holy maiden of his family spoke to him in a soft and slow voice.

Ever since the saint was fifteen years old, the chief mage of the Duchy of Daylight had never succeeded in convincing the little girl he had raised with his own hands.

After a daunting tirade, the white-robed mage, who was about to suffer a myocardial infarction, angrily brushed his sleeves away, while Margaret blinked obediently and paid the fine to Susie in a proper manner.

Susie was also a little helpless: "It's better to be careful."

"I see." The priest girl responded meekly, with a stubborn look on her dignified face, and said seriously, "In the Duchy of Daylight, it is illegal to study black magic, but if it is not here, it cannot be done according to the laws of the Duchy." What's more, even the criminals of the Duchy of Daylight are not all black magicians. Since the teacher asked me to travel, he shouldn't have let me have no contact with anything, otherwise, what is the difference from the past?

The necromancer who was squatting on the ground nodded and agreed: "Miss Margaret is right, when you are free, let's try again!" I feel that this time I am very close to success... Wow!

Before he could finish speaking, Dorothy stepped her face into the ground with her high heels.

Margaret held the emblem in her hand and nodded calmly, but there was suppressed excitement in her tone: "No problem, this is really interesting, much more interesting than studying doctrine in the temple."

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