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It's a very treacherous sight.

Under the light of the street lamps, in the empty alley at some point, several shadows grew wantonly, like a dead tree swaying in the wilderness. Susie smelled a strange smell, like piling up too much expired foundation, and like the stench of a rodent that had been dead for a long time.

Bach grabbed his staff and stared at his feet: "... I think I should only have a shadow, I mean, maybe I stepped on something weird... Can I move now-"

As if in response to him, the shadow beneath his feet was like a swamp in a horror story with sticky bubbles, and then a monster gradually rose in the shadows.

It looked like a six-headed serpent, with the typical head of a venomous snake and hissing letters, and the strange serpent stood tall with a pair of giant bat wings spread out behind its back. The monster lurking in the shadows opened its mouth with a blurred outline, its non-existent eyes fixed on its prey.

Bach stood there and muttered, "I don't think I've ever stepped on this."

Then he was held down by Susie on the head, and he was able to avoid the bite of the Dark Winged Serpent. The pitch-black shadow almost brushed the back of her hand, and the sharp sting sensation made Susie definitely not want to know what it would be like to be bitten by that thing, she grabbed the necromancer, turned and fled.

With the whirring wind and the growing smell behind her, Susie turned her head and quickly saw the problem: how do you shake off your shadow?

The huge winged serpent had floated almost entirely, except for the last bit of its tail still connected to Bach's shadow, it was almost three meters tall, with a wingspan of more than a meter, like a lump of mud that had just been fished out of the water, and strange black substances were constantly dripping from its wings and body, reintegrating into the shadows on the ground.

The monster that crawled out of the shadows is casting an even bigger shadow.

The shadow wriggled and spread to Bach's ankles, suddenly turning into a tangled snake tail, and Bach was violently dragged to the ground. The necromancer rolled on the spot, raised his staff, and subconsciously swung out a ghostly illusion with a hideous face, the evil spirit roared and pounced on the winged serpent, only to be easily swallowed by one of the heads—along with the runes hidden in the image.

With a "bang", the head of the snake that swallowed the virtual image was violently exploded by the explosion, like a balloon filled with ink bursting violently, and the shadow material splashed in all directions, but it wriggled like a living thing and merged back into the shadow on the ground. The snake that had lost its head flicked its neck a few times, and soon a new head grew.

"Immunity? Regeneration? Bach scolded, "Grass, what the is this!"

Susie: "Shouldn't I have asked you!

"How do I know!" Bach said, "Even the abyss doesn't have to be such a damn thing!"

Then, with a flash of the sword, he slashed down at the necromancer's face.

Bach hugged his head in fright, and the starry chant slashed at his feet, cutting off the "snake's tail" that wrapped around his ankle. The stump immediately trickled down the necromancer's ankle like an over-hydrated mud and snapped into the shadow beneath his feet, the shadow flowing like a viscous liquid, and Bach's foot stepped on it, and soon sank into a small section.

Bach: "... Ah, oops.

Susie snatched the freshly made staff, its head facing downwards and slammed it to the ground, the obsidian shattered completely, and with the flying shards of gems, the Shadowwinged Serpent let out a sharp scream, completely breaking free of Bach's shadow - but it also flew higher because of it.

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